Today is a much better day for me, well so far anyway. The weather is a little rainy but I think it is going to clear off.
Beofre I get into my decisions/problems of the day, I have decided to reread two very good books. One How to Rig an Election by Allen Raymond and the other is Obamaland by James Delingpole. The fist book is a true story about the author and his time work for the GOP. While I'm a staunch Republican and I don't normally like to knock the team I'm on, the GOP and the people in it have done some pretty sillything. The other book Obamaland, was very interesting book because it was written by a British author. He gave a different twist to but was still agruing against the Obama administration. While being bored to death in microeconomics, our professor started talking about labor unions and politics folllowed. My mind has a tendency to wonder and that's how I came to think about the books.
I hate making decision. I'm not a liberated woman and have no problems with people making decisions for. I have one important decision that needs to be made within the week and two that I just need to be thought of.
I like to be lazy so, I'll look at the least important of my decisions which is study abroad. I'm not going in my sophmore year but probably in my junoir year. My academic advisor keeps harping on me to get the information for it but I have a year. My question is: Where do I want to go? My top three picks would be France, Scotland, or England.
The French one I'm rather uncertain about because my French is well tres mal. On the other hand, what better way to get better at it than to go where they speak it but it would be a lot of trouble.
England or Scotland would probably be my first two picks but there not exactly exotic, but then again, neither is France is.
My bigger and more immediate decision is whether or not to go to C--- with J---. If I do than I going to have to come clean to people, namely my parents. There would be no way for me to lie my way out of it. I wouldn't be there for work, I would miss one day of class. I know my mother knows something is up. My father has no clue of course. One of the advantages of being the illegitament child of a wealthy man who doesn't legally recognise you as his child. You don't live with him and so he doesn't know what going on.
I'm 20 and he's not married so why should I care what they think? Well, I shouldn't but do. There's absolutely nothing worng with what I'm doing. Breaha has other opinions on the matter but I'm politely refusing to listen to my bestest friend. I love her to pieces but sometimes she just needs to bud out and leave me alone to make my own mistakes.
I did not do so hot in my micro test (Kitten groans while looking at her 75%) and I thought I did so well on the test. Danmed graphs, tables, and formulas. I have got to get an A on my next test and home work assignments to keep my A average in the class and then I'm not sure. I did do rather well on my essay about the NHS, though. I still do not know about stupid international accounting assignment I BS my way through.
My group members and I finally got together in English. Yeah, now I don't have to run them down. We're supposed to be meeting K---'s room at 4:30 to discuss our plan of attack. Plans of attack always me think of mercenaries or spies, and that always lead to a very steamy daydream in the middle of French, which is starting now.