Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Good Wednesday!

Today has been a really good day, which surprised me. I think that I did well on my accounting test, for once. I was the first one done and I didn't have too much trouble over all. The only part I'm worried about is applying overhead. I credited cash but I'm not sure that's right.

We started work on our robots in Survey of SIC today and I was partnered with H---. She seems just about as baffaled with it as me and the other two are computer genuses so, no matter what we come up with it's going to look, well.... but that's ok, because I think we're going to have a comical time just to assemble and program the weird looking thing. Yes, it looks very interesting. Theirs might win a prize for good programming but ours should take the prize for oddest looking.

I was looking online at for erotica and stumbled onto that very popular word I hear all the time: feitish. I thought a feitish was an obession about something, which it is, but the context I kept hearing/reading the word did not make sense. It was always mentioned with something sexual so I googled it. There is apparently a sexual feitish too, in which a part or thing becomes for important then the person( if I undertood wikipedia right). I quess you learn something new everyday.

Keeping with sexual thing, I got a reply from Breaha about my research. She hadn't heard of anything I had mentioned. Are we both that nieve?

I get to pick out my classes for this summer and fall. I haven't the faintest idea why I'm so excited. L---, my Survery of SIC professor said that I could still have Accounting Informtation Systems as a major but it just be an individualized major, so I'm going to ask Jeanie about it today.

I'm debating on whether or not to change my profile picture. I feel that's a little plain but I can't decide whether it looks sophicated or dull. My first choice was to put the picture that I hav put on this post as my profile pic. If I did that though, and I ever made this site open or even passwork protected, then it would make me look a little juvenille, won't it? Maybe I can find a more elborate mask, that might work.

Going back to Breaha, she says that she has some exciting new for me. I'm dying to know what it is because Breaha acted like it was important. I think it has something to with Michael or she got excepted here. I'm guessing the latter, I hope anyway. I want her as my roommat next year.

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