Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Resolution

Sorry about not posting my regular kitty pics in a while but I have been jumping from laptop to laptop but my new one is in, so next post will feature a kitty :)

Kitten has been slacking of late and feeling...well, a little depressed and sad but not sure quite why. Maybe it's the weather or maybe it's the huge homework load or maybe its just some changes that have been going on, it's hard to say but you know what? I have had enough, I'm going to be happy and I'm going to be more dedicated in my work starting now. After all, what do I really have to be unhappy about? I have everything I could want. I feel like I'm being such a baby. "Poor me, I'm so unhappy." You know what I would say if some actually said that to me? I'd tell them to grow up and get over themselves. That they are being childess and selfish. There's no reason for me to feel this way, and it's going to stop right now. Also, have been slacking and procrastenating of late and it just will not do. I want my homework to be well done and completed on time. Absolutely, no more, Kitten says in a very dramatic growl :)

Everything is going well. Didn't have that great of time at work, though. Some people are soooo rude. There is no reason for it. Anyone can have a civil manner, even if you are sick. The arogance of some people is so flustrating. It just makes you want to scream. I can honestly say that I miss working with Alice and I don't like working as a recepionist. My Principles of Management professor read us an article about the ten most stressful jobs in the US. I think recepionist was fourth.

Little Kitten and I finally got our room all decorated{Kitten says a with a little sacrastic smile since it is half way through the first term and we just now decorated}! It looks so nice. Little Kitten's side has several anime pics up, a motivational poster, some decorative chinese fans, and a few cute and quirky little sign that we bought during the Little Italy Festival. My side, is much more personal then it was last year. I mainly had anime pics up but this year I got creative. I decorated my cork board with things from my collge and my highschool. I also put up several pictures of kittens, two rosaries, some chinese fans, and some papers from graduation. The most creative thing that I did was to take my little New Yorker calendar things and put them on paper. The white part of the paper I colored is so it looked a little pretty and less stuck on. I think the room looks rather nice considering we hadn't planned on it that day and we had little to work with.

I miss James, I had a chance to go to Germany with him over fall break but, alas, schools work intervened and kept us apart. I talked to him Friday and he had a rather interesting propostion...;) Now, no minds in the gutter but however I don't think I'm going to talk about it right now. It sounded exciting though, and my life has been liking excitment of late.

I'm not sure what to do about French. I want to learn the language but it's so hard and I'm feeling very stressed with it right now. My question is, do I do the second part of French or not? I'm running out of time since registration starts next week.

Well, I'll try to post again Tuesday or Wednesday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kitten and the Weather

{Kitten dejectedly sits inside computer lab feeling sadden because of the icky and cold weather, trying to concentrate on something} Today has been a rather lousy Monday for Kitten. I did horribley in my French classs but I can only blam myself. I need to get serious about it. Alas, it is so hard though. Kitten are prone to adventure and play not French and Accounting. Speaking of Accounting, I know that I failed the test I tool last week. My adjusting entries were not right and so the closing entries went awry also :(
I want so badly to go with Cowgirl to the Covered Bridge Festival but I just do not have time. I hate to sound complaining but I don't have time to do anything except homework{sighs, sadly}. What happened to free time? Was it just some sort of cruel dream that I had?
Big Sis/Lil Sis Week is coming up which makes me excited however. I get to dress Lil Kitten in costumes and give her presents. You know, I sometimes think that shopping for other is twice as much fun as shopping for yourself. I had fun Friday and Sunday picking out things that I though Lil Kitten might like. It's almost like going on a scavenger hunt; trying to collect all the items.
Well, I need to look over my Stats before class starts. Last!{Kitten jumps up and down excitedly} Then it's over to Jazzman's to get some coffee{I really hope that they have the French Roast today}, and then homework till 6. From 6-8:30, I Systems Analysis and Design, the homework from 9-11, then night-night.
Oh, before I go I want lament over my technological problems that have befallen of late. I believe I have all ready spoken about my new laptop having problems. Well I did get it back only send it right back up to my techicien because it would access the internet. I had to bring my desk top up to the dorm along with my father's laptop(which didn't have Office 2007 so I had to install it}. The desktop had a virus early in the summer and the virus deleted my Office so I had restall it. Now my current problem is that the blasted mouse quit working! Well, then again what was I expecting from a mouse anyway, other than problems;)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Boring Routine

Kitten drags herself sleepily into the blog, sooo tired. I have been inudated with homework and computer problems for the last two weeks, hence, very little blogging. Mid term is coming up and I'm trying to get everything in. I can't believe that we are almost half way through the first semester. We have been in class for 8 weeks now. The last week in this month we wil have to register for our winter term!
Big Sis/ Lil Sis week is coming up soon also. Two weeks, until I get to torture my Lil Sis ;) She's worried... poor lil kitten. I'm still finishing up getting things, though, and will probably continue through out the next week.
It's getting so cold here and kitten does not like it one bit. I hate the fact that I cannot go out side and take a walk. It's not fair:( I miss summer.
Well, I plan to write more once I get caught up {Kitten laughs sarcastically, right}.