Monday, October 12, 2009

Kitten and the Weather

{Kitten dejectedly sits inside computer lab feeling sadden because of the icky and cold weather, trying to concentrate on something} Today has been a rather lousy Monday for Kitten. I did horribley in my French classs but I can only blam myself. I need to get serious about it. Alas, it is so hard though. Kitten are prone to adventure and play not French and Accounting. Speaking of Accounting, I know that I failed the test I tool last week. My adjusting entries were not right and so the closing entries went awry also :(
I want so badly to go with Cowgirl to the Covered Bridge Festival but I just do not have time. I hate to sound complaining but I don't have time to do anything except homework{sighs, sadly}. What happened to free time? Was it just some sort of cruel dream that I had?
Big Sis/Lil Sis Week is coming up which makes me excited however. I get to dress Lil Kitten in costumes and give her presents. You know, I sometimes think that shopping for other is twice as much fun as shopping for yourself. I had fun Friday and Sunday picking out things that I though Lil Kitten might like. It's almost like going on a scavenger hunt; trying to collect all the items.
Well, I need to look over my Stats before class starts. Last!{Kitten jumps up and down excitedly} Then it's over to Jazzman's to get some coffee{I really hope that they have the French Roast today}, and then homework till 6. From 6-8:30, I Systems Analysis and Design, the homework from 9-11, then night-night.
Oh, before I go I want lament over my technological problems that have befallen of late. I believe I have all ready spoken about my new laptop having problems. Well I did get it back only send it right back up to my techicien because it would access the internet. I had to bring my desk top up to the dorm along with my father's laptop(which didn't have Office 2007 so I had to install it}. The desktop had a virus early in the summer and the virus deleted my Office so I had restall it. Now my current problem is that the blasted mouse quit working! Well, then again what was I expecting from a mouse anyway, other than problems;)

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