Sunday, November 22, 2009


Kitten is patiently waiting for these next two days to get over with {it's torture :( } Thanksgiving Break is coming up and I just have to get through Monday and Tuesday. Tomorrow is going to be my worst day. I have French from 10-11, then Management from 11-12, lunch at Jazzman's, then Stats( the horrible quiz over normal distribtion is tomorrow) from 1-2, then I have four hours to do my Systems Analysis and Design homework, then I have the class from 6:00-8:30, after that I have a Management meeting at 9. I'm assuming that the meeting is going to be atleast an hour if not two. By the time I get back, it will be all most time to go to bed. Tuesday won't be near thar bad, thankfully. I have Accounting from 9-10:20 then Philosophy from 10:40-12, after that I'm finished and can go home! :)

My lil sis is doing a very interesting project. For her ID class, she and her team are doing a project on pornography vs nudity/erotica. I do see the difference between the two but it could be so subjunctive. There are many things that I view as erotic art but some one else might view as porn. I can't really say I have a particular reasoning for my judgement on whether something is or isn't porn, it more of a gut reaction. It I feel it is arousing but not necessarily crude, then I say it's erotic art. If I find it crude then I say porn, but since people feels and view are different it would be so hard to classify something as porn or erotic art with any definity.

My projects are not near as exciting. In Management we are doing a project comparing Nike and Adidas. In accounting each person has a history of accounting paper and I doing Enron, which I find the most interest of all my current ones. In Stats we're doing hypothesis testing and so I picked the price of accounting test books to conduct my study. In French, I have to do a presentation of politics in France.

My Lil Sis and I had fun when we went out Friday. I was able to do about 75% of my Christimas shopping finished. We went to 8 China and had chinese which is something that we haven't done in months because we have been so busy. I miss going out shopping{I HATE HOMEWORK}. It's such a good stress reliever.

Everyone keeps asking about internships. My advisor has brought it up, several teachers, now my father. I'm planning on doing one but right now I'm so busy I don't know when I'm going to get the time to look for one. That's kind of an excuse but... I know I should. Maybe I'll start my search over spring break.

Well I'd better get back to the studying.

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