Kitten trots into blog restlessly. Did you ever have one of those days were you wish you were some one, preferably, some with a more interesting life than your own. That's how I felt today. It wasn't a bad day, actually, for a Saturday, it went extremely well. It lacked any excitement, though. I feel so...I don't bored, for lack of a better word. I want to do something interesting but even if I had the oppurtunity, I couldn't do it anyway.
I have so much homework. Accounting, Accounting Problems, and French take the most time. Between those three, I easily spend five to six hours a day doing homework. I didn't come here tonight to rant about homework woes, though.
I don't know what to do about my "relationship that I refered to last post in January." The name that I used for him has escaped me at present and I this kitten is feeling rather lazy at the moment so we will call him Mark.
He will be going back from basic soon and then he'll want to really get into a relationship but I'm not sure if I'm ready. I know I need to be upfront with him about what I want and not want in this relationship. He needs to know that I am unsure about marriage and that I can't be there all the time because of my homework. My work is the most important thing. As long as he is fine with a rather loose, non restricting, maybe a little unconventual relationship we'll be ok. I also need to point out the fact that I am pro life and if that did come up, I wouldn't be getting rid of the baby. I feel like these points are the most important. In past relationships{excluding James} I was not always open and upfront about how I felt and what I really wanted but I'm not doing that this time.
I feel like I need a change in my life. I need more than just a boyfriend. I feel like a need a change in my style of extra studying. This spring/ summer I think I'm going for a much more sophicated but sexy look. This year I had a very relaxed casual style but I want to spice things up this year. As for the extra studying goes, I'm defintely sticking with my courtesan/escort doscoveries because I find the whole area fascinating. I have also decided to look more into art and maybe branch into computers a little more extensively. I have though about making a blog for my projects but at the moment I have people from school stopping here every now and then to look at the Security blog that is for my Security class. I'm not ashamed at what I am looking into but I do like being discrete.
Well Kitten is rather tired after being up till 2 in the morning and is ready to head to her velevt cushion and take a long kitty nap. Night-Night:)
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