Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kitten and a Book Review

Kitten wonders into blog lazily and not the most enthusiatically. I should be happy but I can't really say that I am. I just do not want to be here at the moment. I'm sick and tired of people, all people, everyone in particular. The sun is shining and it is about 50ish F. Maybe I'm PMSing?Well, enough about me, I'm sick of hearing about everyone else problems and so I will not subject anyone to my own.

I'm reading a very fascinating but heartbreaking book called "A Long Gone"(You can't underline how annoying) by Ishmael Beah. It is a biography about this man's life. He lived he Sierra Leone, during his childhood, in the time the war broke out in 1993. At first the war was just something he heard about but eventually the rebels can to his village. He and his older brother escaped from the village but were seperated from their parents. Junior and Ismael, along with some friends from the village travaled from town to town for months, trying to find their parents and stay one step ahead of the rebels. Because many of rebel soldiers were boys around Ismael's age(12), the boys were not even safe when they were traveling because the villagers would mistake them for rebels! After awhile Junior and Ismael are seperated and Ismael wonders alone for quite awhile. Eventually he comes across several boys from a Mattru Jong, which is a city close to his village. They team up and continue traveling.

This is as far as I have gotten. I'm half way through so when I finish the last half I will finish the story. I could not image seeing and doing the things that Ismael had done. It is so sad but I cannot put the book down. Unfortuantely, my accouting forces me to and so I must go.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


{Kitten lays on velvet cushion in contemplation} I just visited my old highschool's website to see who they had teaching there this year. I only recognized a few names. I can't believe that most of the teachers that I had aren't even there anymore. It makes me a little sad but Kitten has been a little emotional today. It has barely been two years but so much has changed. I knew it but it didn't really hit me till now.
I' m making out my schedule for next fall and I'm a little annoyed because I can't seem to fit French in. I have put so much time in it and it would feel like a waste if I just gave up on it but don't I have to be realistic? Ok, I have made some progress on it but I haven't been able to give it the time it needs and probably won't. Between my Accounting, required classes for my major, my general studies classes and all the other little things I have to do, I just don't have the time. The only thing is, I'm not sure if that matters. I may not be able become fluent in it but even being exposed to it the little time that I am in class and doing my homework helps. Plus, I'm not just learning about a language, I'm learning about a culture. I think that is important but how do I get everything in? {sighs in flustration}
I both dread and look forward to this summer. I plan to take Principles of Marketing, College Algebra, Literature and Life, and possible Business Stats. I don't know about the Stats though, it might be too advanced seeing as I have only had Beginning Stats and I barely recieved a B in it. Plus I have got to keep up in my Accounting. What happened to the summers when I could just relax?
I'm not at all happy with my Accounting. I know that it is not going to be a good, probably around a C. Well, need to go and get to French. I have a presentation tomorrow.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring Break Brief Intro Part I

{Kitten scurries into blog for a quick break exhausted from her busy day of classes and flustrating technology}

I miss Spring Break already{whimpers}. I have so much to do and everything has to be done by Thursday. Ick, this is not going to be a fun week.

I heard from Mark the Saturday. It had been two weeks since I have heard from him. While it was nice to talk, we just couldn't seem to find anything to talk about. I tried to open up to him but I failed to communicate and he failed to understand.

My Lil Sis and I are going out to have Chinese tonight. We haven't been out together in what seems like forever( really, it has been awhile, about 3 months). We are going to eat, then she needs to go to a store to get something taken care of, then back here to homework and watch American Idol.

So much to do. Will try to write tonight. This thing will probably be posted for Sunday, which was when I started it but today is Wednesday.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kitten and Spring Break

{Kitten lazily saddles into blog waited down with many packages and new fur coat}

Kitten must apologize for not posting a kitty picture but I have been busy and have not had the time to look for new pics.

Kitten has been shopping for the last two days and has been in heaven. I was able to finally get my hair dyed and cut. It's a mix of blond(mostly, I think), red, and a touch of brunette. Does this make me a calico?

Srping Break (well such as it is anyway, not really being spring) has been a nice change, although it was not quite what I had planned. Orginally I was supposed to spend a few days with Aurora but, sadly, our time was cut short but we still had a good time Thursday. We both went and had our hair fixed and then had a late lunch. I wish me and Little Kitten-chan had been able to hang out but homework has severed out connection until Sunday.

Speaking of Sunday it might be rather interesting since I accidently left my key in the room and my Lil Sis did not know of my blunder and locked the door. She has misplaced her key so neither of us have a way to get into out room. Opps! They should have a master key that can get us in however.

The key wasn't the only thing that I left. I also left my poor little accounting problem solving book. That was not such a good thing since I had two assignments to do in it. I swear, if my head weren't attached I would probably forget it also.

Kitten has been very studious this week and has gotten a fair amount of work finished. Accounting is the one subject that has demanded most of my time. It is such a demanding and flustrating lover. It excites and yet makes me want to cry at times. I have spent hours pouring over Loss Contigencies, Warranties, and how to account for short term liabilities in general. It is interesting but the problem are very time consuming.

Kitten has not heard from her current boyfriend in two weeks(some relationship, right?) but she has talked to her old flame, James. I don't have the time or desire to go into the details but we had a nice talk and figured out a few things. Aurora also helped me realize a solution, of sorts, to a problem that I have been wrestling with.

Well, I need to get back to my school work but I shall try to write more since I do have quite a lot to talk about but it is so hard to find the time.