{Kitten lays on velvet cushion in contemplation} I just visited my old highschool's website to see who they had teaching there this year. I only recognized a few names. I can't believe that most of the teachers that I had aren't even there anymore. It makes me a little sad but Kitten has been a little emotional today. It has barely been two years but so much has changed. I knew it but it didn't really hit me till now.
I' m making out my schedule for next fall and I'm a little annoyed because I can't seem to fit French in. I have put so much time in it and it would feel like a waste if I just gave up on it but don't I have to be realistic? Ok, I have made some progress on it but I haven't been able to give it the time it needs and probably won't. Between my Accounting, required classes for my major, my general studies classes and all the other little things I have to do, I just don't have the time. The only thing is, I'm not sure if that matters. I may not be able become fluent in it but even being exposed to it the little time that I am in class and doing my homework helps. Plus, I'm not just learning about a language, I'm learning about a culture. I think that is important but how do I get everything in? {sighs in flustration}
I both dread and look forward to this summer. I plan to take Principles of Marketing, College Algebra, Literature and Life, and possible Business Stats. I don't know about the Stats though, it might be too advanced seeing as I have only had Beginning Stats and I barely recieved a B in it. Plus I have got to keep up in my Accounting. What happened to the summers when I could just relax?
I'm not at all happy with my Accounting. I know that it is not going to be a good, probably around a C. Well, need to go and get to French. I have a presentation tomorrow.
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