Friday, May 14, 2010

Kitten's Illness

Kitten drags herself into blog. The first week of summer vacation and I'm sick. Not fair! I don't want to be sick {whimpers}. It's a cold day out today and not very sunny so I'm not missing much I guess.

I can't believe that school is out. Finally, no homework, no stress, and some alone time. Overall, my grades were pretty good. I had A's in Accounting Problem Solving, Intermediate French, Theology, Security, and Business Law. What hurt my poor GPA (now at 3.69) was Intermediate Accounting which was a C. I haven't had a C as a final grade since elementery school. It's so flustrating but there is no use in crying over spelt milk.

I will be starting my summer classes in a few. Yay math! {I say that very sarcastically} I will be taking my two required math courses but atleast they will be out of the way and I can focus on some other classes that apply to my major.

Speaking of majors, I'm thinking of adding Business Adminstration as another major. It really wouldn't affect me that much because I have to take most of the same classes for my Accounting major. It might be good to have a backup in case I decided accounting wasn't for me.

Other than classes and hanging out with some old friends, I'll just be relaxing this summer which sounds so nice after the hell of this past term. My stress level was through the roof but now I might be able to calm down.

I feel like a nap so I'll write later.

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