Monday, January 31, 2011

Quick Chat

{Kitten comes stomping into blog and muttering to herself about the weather...} More snow  and now they are saying that there is going to be ice to : ( This just isn't fair {stamps furry little paw in fury}. No more snow! It seems as if we just get everything cleared off the roads when and the grass is starting to peek and then we get dumped on. The thing that I don't like about it is that it is supposed to get icy which means that Kitten won't be able to go home tomorrow.
My Lil Sis is a sneaky little thing. I just sound out, via Facebook, that she is in a relation. You have some explaining to do when I get a hold of you Lil Kitten. I'm always the last to know lol.
So much homework and three test to study for. I personally think it is rather cruel for my professor to give all their test on the same day. I do believe that they got together and colloaborted their test just so I would have to send my entire week with my nose in a book and anxiety levels on high. Mean professors.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Change and A Little Music

{Kitten stares out at window contemplating things...}Ugh, it has been a very long weekend. I can't say that I got everything completely that I wanted to but it is my own fault but I don't want to talk about that right now. I have realized that I have been rather placid and, to put it rather bluntly boring, the past year or so. I never take chances and playing it safe all the time is getting to be to much, even for a laid back kitten like myself. I'm tired of being the good kitty. However, I'm not too sure I know how to be bad. Something has to change though, and I'm working on that but change doesn't come easy. I'm reading a book called War Dog by Al J Venter, who is a South Africal war correspondent. One of them men say something that I really like and wish I could follow, "Live like you'll die tomorrow, learn like you'll live forever, love like you've never been hurt, and laugh like no one is watching.(p 76)" I have heard many versions of this quote but I think this best put.

I'm not planning on boring anyone with my silly little annoyances and ponderances today, however. Let us talk a little music because that always makes me feel better. Keeping with the British theme of last week, Pixie Lott is the next up on my list. She has one album out called Turn It Up( there are several re-releases out with more songs then the original) with several hit singles. My particular favorites are "Broken Arrow," "Cry me Out," and "Boys and Girls." She is not very old, I think she is twenty, which surprised me because she looks about 24 in her pictures. According to Wikipedia, she tour with Rihanna while she was in the UK. Anyway, here is a few videos I found on YouTube.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Worries

{Kitten walks in blog sadly with fluffy tail dragging the floor and little head down cast} It has not been the best day today. Nothing personally happened to me today but for those close, it has been a rather ruff day. My brother's cat Blue, died this morning. I can't say that I was particularly close to Blue but I was sad for my brother because he had Blue since he was a kitten.

While that was sad, I got some extremely upsetting news from Cowgirl just an hour ago. You see, Cowgirl is nine months pregnant and she found out yesterday that something is wrong with placenta. She didn't tell me what the condition was called but is extremely dangerous for the baby. As of right now, the vital signs for him are all right but if she doesn't go into labor soon, there could be complications. I forgot to say that Cowgirl is past her due date. Her doctor is a complete idiot though! First off, she almost let Cowgirl get pneumonia. She kept telling her that she just had a cold. Finally, after being in the hospital three times, she went to see my father, who is her primary doctor and he put her antibiotics but it could have gotten really bad if she had waited any longer. Now, she won't do anything about this! Even Christina's mother, who has been a registered nurse for 20 some year and holds a masters said that the doctor needs to do something. She at least needs to be going in ofter to check the baby's vital signs. She told Cowgirl that th baby might have kidney problems, which was were upsetting for her. I wish there was something I could do for her. Hopefully, she will go into labor on her own in the next few days.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

For the Love of Music Part VI

{Kitten bounces into post on a caffeine high, bouncing around. I think maybe I shouldn't have had both the grande white chocolate mocha and the bag of mini cookies} but anyway... I have a correction to make about a post several days ago. I have a new, artist as you can see in the pic above and I original said she was American but, nope, I just found out she is British :) So I guess I shall start my, admittedly small, posts on my favorite British singers.

Natalia was born in England in 1986 and worked in televisions shows and on radio off and on. She signed to Interscope Records in 2009 and made several promotional videos. One was called Zombies and the the other was Activate My Heart. Her style is unique and her music videos are interesting with out being too far out. Well, instead of going on with more writing that no one is interested in, just watch the videos, from YouTube. Kitten was very excited this morning when I finally figured out how to put them up there. It was ashamedly easy and even a technologically challenged kitty like me should have figured it out but here they are. Now all I have to do is go back through and add videos to all the others. 

Activate My Heart


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

{Kitten jumps up and down excitedly, then winces in pain} It took me 15 minutes to get that picture, that you see before you up. I don't know why but it kept saying server denied. Well, at first I thought that maybe I picked a picture that wasn't supposed to be use so I tried another and another, and another. Some of the ones that I tried, I had even used before. Then I decided that I at least had the license to put my pictures up that I took but think again! I was denied. I figured blogger was just being screwy with me so I went to the Edit HTML tab and voila, it went right away.

The picture is very appropriate because it is very rainy and rather cold here. We're supposed to be getting freezing rain tonight and Kitten just hates to drive on ice :( I'm fine with driving in snow, its ice that is the big problem.

Kitten has been walking rather gingerly today after hurting my little back, the lumbar region specifically. I think I did it when I was packing up my laptop {which was way too much} and my backpack which had all of my books. I was fine for about an hour then my back started to hurt every time I bent down to pick something up.

I have to say that I am having a hard time getting into the rhythm for this semester. Several classes that I thought would be so interesting or just not appealing to me. Cognitive Psychology is one. I much prefer personality. Microbiology was another one that I thought would be very fun but I just can't seem to get into it. Early Modern European History is one that I thought that I wouldn't like but is probably my favorite. Physiology was the one class I thought would be the worst for me but it's my second favorite.

But on to more pleasant topics like Spring Break! Yes, it is only January but you need time to plan. This year I plan to be away from Indiana for the week, or most of the week anyway. Aurora and I are supposed to meet up but where and exactly when is still unknown. While I would like to leave the country for awhile, with just a week it isn't really worth it. Aurora had mentioned Mexico but what is the point of going somewhere just to stay for four days? I can't stay the entire week with her, seeing as I have a few other little plans plus I'm sure I will have homework. Maybe California or Arizona, which might be better for her.

Speaking of traveling, I am very tempted to hop on a flight over summer break to catch a concert. Normally I don't like concerts but I really want to see Jena Lee but that depends if she is still touring at the time. Then there is the factor that I would probably have go alone, which is my biggest hold back. My Lil Sis couldn't come with and none of my other friends would be interested. I still might though, I have to wait and see.

Well homework is waiting so I shall have to go

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Quick Chat

{Kitten looks drowsily up after taking a nice long nap on velvet cushion} It's been a rough first week but its about it over. As a bonus, we even get a three day weekend! I didn't realize they took Martin Luther King day off but I guess they do. Getting used to a new schedule has been challenging but it's been all right. I am getting sick of staying up at the dorm. I am almost 90% certain that I will just commute next year. The thrill has past and I have my own life so it is really more of a hindrance to stay up there.

My books that I was talking about came in yesterday, which is good because I really needed the physiology book. Our last day on talking about hormones is next Tuesday. The two day a week classes really speed by. The other book is tempting me badly right now but I'm trying to have self control. I'll have three days to read it and I cannot get behind with my studies.

Oh and I found a new singer that I shall talk about this weekend. She is American but she, for some odd reason, has gotten hardly in coverage but I'll save the rest for later.

Cowgirl is having a her baby shower next weekend. It's is hard to believe that she is going to have her baby in only a couple of weeks! It seems like yesterday when we were 12 and horseback riding on the trails, getting lost occasionally. I miss those times.   

Monday, January 10, 2011

Stress, headaches, and Sleepless Night Here I Come: First Day of Classes

{Kitten trots into blog bringing a sleigh load on book in tow} Today was the first day of classes. Yes, the headaches, stress, and an end to any social life started today! Isn't that wonderful? Overall, the day went fairly except for the fact that I forgot my coffee in my room so poor lil Kitten did not have to time get a new one till around 10ish. My nursing class was at 9 and for a class that is only once a day, I have a feeling that is going to be a lot of work. She says that for every hour we are in class we should spend three hours outside of class studying. Oh dear, if I did that with every class I think I might as well cut out sleep and possibly eating. Cognitive Psychology was interesting and the teacher seems really nice. I think it should be a fun course. Early Modern European History surprised me a little. I figured the professor would would be boring and strict but he is really funny and nothing like I thought he was.

I am a little sad because no one from any of my other classes from last semester are in my classes this semester. I did see an old friend from chem lab when I was heading back to my dorm. I have meat a few interesting people today, though. After I bought my books I went to Stalker Hall where I was to have both my Psychology and History class. Well, the name of the building seem to fit what happened to me. When I walked into the building, I seen that they had a cafe but I wanted to find my classroom first then come down and get coffee since I had an hour to kill. Well, I go up to the third floor find the classroom and then head back down. Well a very good looking gentleman seemed to have joined me. We he commented on a work of art as we were going down and jokingly said that he was following me since he didn't know where to go. Well, never having been in this particular building either, I told him that we were in the same boat. Once on the first floor, I went straight for the cafe to get some caffeine that I so needed and then proceeded back upstairs. Not too long after I got up there there the gentleman again. {I do not say gentleman because he was older. He was younger than moi but, as I will tell in a minute, he was very nice}. I sat away from me for about 5 minutes then came over and sat beside me. When he sat down, he put his arm on the back of the seat and almost around me. Normally, that would have not been something I would be receptive too but there was something about him... He started up a conversation that lasted about forty minutes. We didn't talk about anything in particular just things. He was going to a history class which is too bad, it would have been nice if he had been in my pysch class.

On a completely different topic, Kitten ordered a new book last night! Was it a romance? Nope. Erotic? Nope ; ) Medical? Political? Nope and Nope. Actually, it is about mercenaries which probably falls under military maybe. That might seem rather from left field for a little kitten like me but there is a reason. You see my first romance novels centered around mercenaries and then later on, I started to do actual research. Unlike when I was 15, I no longer see the profession as romantic but I keep reading about it because it is fascinating but also mysterious. There is so much out there on our military and even the militaries of other country but I have had the hardest time finding information on these guys. It is understandable but the fact that it is a more enigmatic has always made me interested. So my book is on its way :)

Well, time to hit the books.  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kitten's Last Day of Freedom

{Kitten bounces into blog still on a sugar rush} It was Lil Kitten and mine's last night of freedom before returning back to school so we decided to go out and have a little fun : ) We went to PetLand and cuddled a very cute and hyper pug and a rather bitty Siberian Husky {yes, it is not completely true that cats and dogs don't get along ; )}  We looked at the fishies before we left. Lil Kitten is looking to replace her Leonardo DaVinci who was tragically eaten by her cat. I was looking a fish but, alas, I found no no Lord Byron { that is going to what I name my fishie}

I'm not sure I'm ready to go back yet. I feel like I could use another break but I suppose it does not matter. School starts Monday, bright and early, at least it does for me anyway.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Wintry Day :)

What a beautiful day! It looks like a winter wonderland out there. The snow has been falling for the past three hours and it uncertain what the accumulations will be. I know that I said I could do without anymore snow but the tranquility is so soothing that I do not seem to mind. I hate driving in it and getting my furry little paws wet is not fun in the lest but I have been tense of late and something about snow falling ever so gently is calming.

What is ruining my day is, though, is cold that has ambushed me :( I was feeling just fine the other day and then, wham! I woke up today with a terribly sore throat, a slight cough, stuffy nose, and tremendous headache. My Lil Sis and I were supposed to be shopping today but alas, Kitten is much to under the weather. I was really looking forward to see her since we really haven't had all that much time to hang out over break. When school starts sometimes I am unable to see my beastie for weeks. 

On a brighter side, I did get my Technical Writing class switched to History of Early Modern Europe. Technical Writing is well... to technical. The professor even sounded technical. He email to the class was very droll and matter of fact. It may have been a welcome letter but it didn't sound very welcoming. I want to have a fun semester not a boring one, so I switched classes. I have always loved history. It has been my favorite subject since I was in third grade. Originally, I was very interested in the Revolutionary and Civil War and the Middle Ages but when I got into middle school I became more interested in Vietnam, Korea, and Africa. It was not until high school that I really started to take interest in the Middle East and Central and South. While I have studies early Europe( 300BC- 1300AD), I have not studied the Early Modern Europe(1400-1860 according to the class) in a long time and it was never really in-depth.

Another good thing I found today was Cadbury eggs! Yes they are out and apparently have been out since the 1st of January. I am quite the fan of these delicious eggs and swear they make me gain atleast 5 pounds over the easter season. 

Now, I seem to have a problem. I am reading this blog that I like and the author is very good, very witty and funny. However, the blog seems to more for business purposes and I wonder if it is only for clients or potential clients. I have thought about email her and telling her how much I like her blog and ask it she mind if I read. I feel awkward not asking but on the same token feel awkward asking. I hate these kind of situations. Oh well, I'm leaning toward emailing her but we shall see.

Well Kitten has to get her fluffy tail in gear and start packing. I'll be leaving to stay in just a day and half! 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kitten's Stressful Day

{Kitten tromps into blog, fur a mess, and in a rather bad mood} My morning did not go so well. I kept forgetting things at the store so I made a total of three trips to Walmart just to pick up a few things. Then I realized I picked up the ink cartages. Thankfully they will fit in another printer but not one the one that I have up at the dorm. Then when I went up to my dorm. They had changed the locks yet again so I had to go down and get a new key. It was an annoyance but I mad till I got in the suite and went to the door of my room and there was a very rude note taped to it saying that the empty side was not cleaned and that no one was able to move it because it of. Well that set me off because 1) There was nothing on that side except for a blanket on the bed, a rug, and a chair that I had placed int he closet; 2) the note was needlessly rude; and 3) I had yet again not been notified through email or any form of communication that I was getting a roommate. They did that to me last semester and I spent  most of the afternoon cleaning when I had a test to study for and then she never showed up. I took the down to the station. I admit was rather terse but I feel that I was completely in my right after all the trouble these people were putting me through again. I wound up talking to a woman, who must have been the manager, and was as rude to her as she was to me. I do not take rudeness. Period. I let her know that the note was completely out of line and then proceeded to tell her all the trouble that she and her staff has put me through last semester. I had the opportunity to change to a single room but I was rather afraid that it would not be as quite as this suite was so I declined, after I calmed down. I'm over it mostly but it still ruffles Kitten fur.
I think that next year I might just commute. I do not want to share a room and to be frank, these people at this college any me to no end. I find them rude and annoying but what am I to do? Saint Mary's just does not have a nursing program and they are not looking to get one anytime soon. I guess I shall just have bit my little tail and be quite.      

For the Love of Music V

{Kitten looks behind her packed boxes at the sound of footfalls} Hello, I'm busy working on my packing since I'm heading back to school on Wednesday. Well, I won't be staying anyway, just dropping a few things off so that I will not have so much to bring up on Sunday. This break has gone by extremely fast! I can't believe I only have 6 days left till school starts back up. I went to day and bought what books I was able to. For some reason my Physiology professor has yet to post a book. Well shame on you professor {Kitten shakes paw at him} I wonder if we are using our book from Anatomy but we covered most of the chapters, so I am completely uncertain. The Physiology Lab is also up in the air, so to speak. Then I goofed when I picked my Psychology book. I'm taking Cognitive but I picked up Perceptions so I after to drive all the way back up and exchange the book. On a side note, I heard from my Psychology professor and she seems very nice. I think this might be one of my favorite classes.

Now, it is time for the my V part my little music thingy, so here we go. The pretty woman in the picture is Maya Avraham. I wish I had more to tell but for some reason, I can not find out much information on her. I know that she has at least two albums out and they are both available on ITunes. Her first album is called  Rak Ratsitah Ahava and her second album is Dance according to Amazon.One of her most well know songs is Lama but Ein Li Od Makom, Lifney  Sh'Nishtageah, Rak Ratsitah Ahava, and Ani Molech.

Ein Li Od Makom

Sunday, January 2, 2011


"Bojour"Kittens says as she struts into blog a little jittery after the third cup of coffee. This year has gotten of to a wonderful start :) I have recently been looking over my upcoming classes this semester: Microbiology, Micro lab, Physiology, Physiology lab, Mental Health Nursing, Technical Writing, and last, but not least is Cognitive Psychology. Thinking about my upcoming pysch class made me think about last summer and and particular someone ; )

This week has actually been decent, unlike most of the others where I was ready to pull my hair out. Between tests and papers and quizes I have aches and sleepless nights all the time.

Kitten has a problem that she has never had before: I can't get a guy off of my mind. I meet him over summer break. I actually connected with a guy and that hasn't happened in a long time. I meet guys I find attractive all the time but I never really connect, except for this time. He had Personality Psychology together. I noticed him on the first day because of the way he was dressed. Unlike all the other guys who came in jeans and some other unremarkable shirt, he had on dress pants, a white dress shirt {Kitten just adores a man who wears white and pulls it off well}, and a white cap. Normally, hats have never really been a factor but he pulled it off very well. He definitely went to a guy and ran quiet a bit. I think he might have been in the army or had been at some time because one day he came in and his shirt had Army written on it. That is another thing I liked about him. He did not always wear dress clothes. Sometimes it was jeans and a regular shirt, other times it was sweats, and then, more often than not, dress clothes. I like a man who has a sense of variety and style.

I know he was interested in my. He leered enough while I was walking to my car. It did make me slightly uncomfortable but I was trying to get his attention so what do I expect? He walked me to my car several times and we usually talked before class started.

I do believe he had a wild side. His friend, who was also in the class looked, somewhat dangerous but than again I am somewhat of a scardy kitten. There was just something about him, but....oh well.

There is a possibility that this particular someone is in my upcoming class. What if he is? I have never thought about a guy for this long but maybe its because it has been awhile sine my last real full fledged relationship. I do not count that run in with Mark last winter a romance. No I have not be been a true relationship since James. Maybe I am just mistaking a connection for lust? I suppose it doesn't matter. Kitten needs to get her shower.  

Happy New Year!

{Kitten looks gets up from velvet cushion and stretches after taking a little cat nap} Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year. It's officially a new year with new beginnings. Have you started your Resolutions yet? I actually started mine a a little over a week ago. A test run, you might say, to see how it would go. Normally I make about ten resolutions and the goal is to accomplish at least three of them. I know it is a little low considering that I originally made ten but they are never easy so I always gave myself a give in there. This year, though, I plan to accomplish all of my resolutions but there are only three so... I guess I cheated a little.

My first resolution is seems so simple but is sooooo. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Yes many people, including myself have this dreadful little problem but I plan to nip it in the bud this year. In 2011 I shall keep up with my studies, my supplementary reading, and my French.

My second resolution is somewhat of a subgoal of my first, and that is to keep up with my French studies. This little kitty just could not seem to get in serious studying done last term but I shall be hitting the books hard this year.

My third resolution is to be healthier. No not just lose weight. Actually, I weight about 115 so I doubt I really need to lose any but my eating habits...well, they leave something to be desired. I need start eating more veggie but it is rather hard. Kittens are just not fond of there greens.