Friday, January 7, 2011

A Wintry Day :)

What a beautiful day! It looks like a winter wonderland out there. The snow has been falling for the past three hours and it uncertain what the accumulations will be. I know that I said I could do without anymore snow but the tranquility is so soothing that I do not seem to mind. I hate driving in it and getting my furry little paws wet is not fun in the lest but I have been tense of late and something about snow falling ever so gently is calming.

What is ruining my day is, though, is cold that has ambushed me :( I was feeling just fine the other day and then, wham! I woke up today with a terribly sore throat, a slight cough, stuffy nose, and tremendous headache. My Lil Sis and I were supposed to be shopping today but alas, Kitten is much to under the weather. I was really looking forward to see her since we really haven't had all that much time to hang out over break. When school starts sometimes I am unable to see my beastie for weeks. 

On a brighter side, I did get my Technical Writing class switched to History of Early Modern Europe. Technical Writing is well... to technical. The professor even sounded technical. He email to the class was very droll and matter of fact. It may have been a welcome letter but it didn't sound very welcoming. I want to have a fun semester not a boring one, so I switched classes. I have always loved history. It has been my favorite subject since I was in third grade. Originally, I was very interested in the Revolutionary and Civil War and the Middle Ages but when I got into middle school I became more interested in Vietnam, Korea, and Africa. It was not until high school that I really started to take interest in the Middle East and Central and South. While I have studies early Europe( 300BC- 1300AD), I have not studied the Early Modern Europe(1400-1860 according to the class) in a long time and it was never really in-depth.

Another good thing I found today was Cadbury eggs! Yes they are out and apparently have been out since the 1st of January. I am quite the fan of these delicious eggs and swear they make me gain atleast 5 pounds over the easter season. 

Now, I seem to have a problem. I am reading this blog that I like and the author is very good, very witty and funny. However, the blog seems to more for business purposes and I wonder if it is only for clients or potential clients. I have thought about email her and telling her how much I like her blog and ask it she mind if I read. I feel awkward not asking but on the same token feel awkward asking. I hate these kind of situations. Oh well, I'm leaning toward emailing her but we shall see.

Well Kitten has to get her fluffy tail in gear and start packing. I'll be leaving to stay in just a day and half! 

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