Ugh, class are not appealing to me today. Tempted to just skip and have a "me" day but I won't. I think it is Spring fever. It is just too nice of a day to be stuck inside a classroom study. Kittens need fresh air and sunshine!
I'm slightly annoyed at my Early Modern European History teacher. I worked my tail off on that last test and I recieved at B+. Both sides of the sheet were completely written on down to the last line so why wasn't it an A? It just really makes me mad when people who barely study, not to mention never read the assigned readings, take a test and get A's. I participate in class discussions, do all the readings, and do outlines for my test and still get B+! Oh well, not much I can do about it.
I left my charger at home and did not realize it last night till my phone was almost dead. Well that is quite a predicament seeing that on our campus, we have no landlines. Then I remebered I still had the USB cord thingy that plugs my phone into my computer and I could charge it on my laptop. The bad thing is that if I do it that way, it is insanely slow. It was 11:00 when I pluged it in and 12:20 when I took it out. Getting into bed later than normal is why I am so tired this morning.
Signed my up for an apartment yesterday, however, I'm not sure when I find out when or if I'll get one next fall. They are supposed to call me to let me know to come down and sign the contract if I do. If I don't? Well, I think I will just commute till the winter and then, in the second semester, get a dorm room.
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