{Kitten bounds into blog with a spring in her step} Yes, finals are over and I am officially out for a month. What summer break is longer than that? Well, it is but I have summer classes that start in about a month but one class is sooooo much better then 7.
Why is it bad things happen at the worst times? I have been healthy all school year. There were the occasional colds but nothing terrible...until finals week. The Friday before finals week, Lil Sis and I along with two of her friends went to see another friend at his dance recital. My throat was really tight and I just felt off. I knew something was up and of course, Saturday, I felt like I was dying. Unfortunately my entire finals week was terrible. Do you know how hard it is to force yourself to stay up till 2 in am when you can barely breath and can't stop coughing? Well, I somehow got through the week with decent grades on my finals expect for Microbiology but I had good grades in before so that's ok. I barely passes Physiology Lab but I did by 3 points.
This week has been terribly busy and I have quite a bit to write. There is a few book reviews to do and a few music reviews also. Plus I plan to write all about my upcoming summer projects! Unfortunately, I have no new gossip to report.
Oh! Guess what? Kitten got a new hair color. I love my stylist. I never come out looking anything like the picture but I my hair always comes out looking good. I had a picture of light blond with darker blond highlights. I came out with a mixture of platinum blond, copper, and red (natural) lol. I love her randomness. So far most people like it but I have yet heard from my Lil or Cowgirl
Oh oh! {Kitten jumps up and down on windowsill, loses footing and falls on velvet cushion} I have a mystery for you. It seems that ever once in a while money comes up missing in our house. I thought it was either my half brother, who has a history of pinching money or my aunt who has dementia and sometimes miss places thing. Hoever, in the past few days something really odd has been happening. Money has been randomly appearing! Yes, my mother was going through her purse to find something when she found $60 when she swears she only had $25 in there the other night. She said it was one 20 and a 5 but in the morning she had 3 20's. Then on Sunday we went out to eat. The money pouch that I carry had two 20's in it folded along the middle on Friday. Sunday I found 5 20's. How do you miss count that? I suppose I shouldn't complain, afterall, appearing money is better than dissappearing money but it does make me curious...which isn't really good for cats I hear.
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