Kitten went to her best friends graduation today. Breaha has been one of my best friends since I can remember. We have went through a lot of things together (first crushes, first loves, breakups, other friends, family problems) but I realized that I have a whole another life that Breaha doesn't know about, or atleast not much.
Well, Bri, here's my sordid little story;) Now before I begin my narrative I need to state somethings. There are many thing that I have done that I'm not proud of. I know you're not religous but I try to be. A lot of what I have done I regret mostly for religous reasons and is the main reason why I have ended things with James. I don't want to feel like a hypocrite anymore. I know that you don't agree with a lot of the Catholic dogma and doctrine but I know that you know the importantance of following your conscience and doing what you, not other people believe what is right. These are all my dirty little secrets. Now we are even. No secrets between friends:)
The Meeting
As you know Bri, James and I met in Chicago at the Palmer House. I wa 18 and he was 42 but I didn't know it at the time. Actually, I orginally had his age at about 35. I was bored and mom had already went to bed but it was only 8 pm. Not ready to turn in I went down to the pool. James was the only one down there, we wound up talking. I'm not going to bore you with the maundane details of what we talked about. He asked me to dinner the next day and I went. Mom always goes to bed so early it was easy to slip away unnoticed. We exchanged cell phone numbers and email address.
Nothing happened for all most a year. My senior was innocent, pretty much. I had my little fling with Brian and we both now how that tunred out. Actually, it was James who pushed me to break with him. When I told James how Brian acted when I mentioned him, James got very concerned and told me that Brian sounded too dangerous for me. He was really there for me when I was going through that break up. Not that you weren't their for me, Bri{Kitten gives Breaha a big hug}. It's just that you both were there for me in differen ways.
What I Really Did Last Summer
Things really started to heat up between James and I last summer, after I had gone through those damned summer classes. I was feeling a little lost and I was a little out of control, although you never seen me when I was like that. No one ever knew that I was sneaking off to see a guy between my shopping trips with you and my long days at home. I was surprised, I thought I would be found out. It seemed so exciting.
It was in July that I first started sleeping with James. Before him, I had never really cared that much about sex but with James it was so tender and erotic. I was confident in himself which made me confident. When the guy feels unconfortable with the way he looks or performs then it makes me uncomfortable also. I'm not going to overshare here but suffice to say that he really brought me out of my shell where the bedroom is concerned.
We also went places together. He took me to England, France, and Mexico. Remember when everyone kept asking me if I would nervous when I left at Christmas to go to Mexico for Intercambio. Everyone thought that it was the first time out of the country{Kitten smiles mischievously} it wasn't, which was why I wasn't nervous. That and James was at the Cancun airport to meet me.
You might me asking yourself, "How did she manage to do this?" Well, it wasn't that hard really. While we(you and I) went out once a week, there were a few weeks inbetween where we didn't go out. It was during those few weeks that I went off globe trotting. As for mom, I told her some lame story that she knew was a lie but I was of legal age (19) and she just trusted that I knew what I was doing.
But wait. I said I went a little wild and having a little tete-a-tete with an older man isn't all that while. {Ok Bri, I know your shaking your heading and disagreeing with me but be a good audience and play along;) } It didn't do anything all that wild guess. I did get pretty close to being drunk a few times. I flirted (playfully, mind you) with a few very handsome men, who, rumor has it, have very shady pasts. I also did something else but I feel so ackwarded saying it which I don't know why. It's actually really funny. Maybe I'll tell you in private. It was what I considered one of my most wildest things I have done;)
All right Bri, there it is, with the exception of one little thing, here are all my secrtes. Rereading what I wrote, it doesn't sound all that exciting but I'll leave the judgement up to you.
{Kitten flicks her tail in goodbye and dissapears around the corner.}
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