Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Infuriating Day

{Kitten paces restlessly and anxiously about blog, jumping at every little sounds she hears}
How is it that things can be perfectly fine and oh so nicely boring and the next day, wham!, complications abounds. I hate drama!
Little Kitten-chan and I went out last night and had a perfectly good time until the storm. Then I had to practically pull Little Kitten out from under the car seats {there there Little Kitten, everythings all right :) } We had quite a little storm. I thought the lightening was rather beautiful and poetical but no apparetnly agreed with me. Well, anyway, Little Kitten-chan spent the night and we had a lovely game of Battle of the Sexes with someone special to my little sis ;)
Today started out well but went quickly down hill. I was a little grumpy and everything that my father said to me was like nails on a chalkboard {I detest that sound}. Then, we I got home and was able to check my email I found a rather cryptic message from someone I known, whom shall hence be called Johnthan. He said that he wanted to talk to me about something and asked if I could call him at 8 pm my time. Now, I'm not in the mood a mystery today and was rather annoyed by such a vague letter practically demanding me to contact him at his convince. At first I was going to ignore it but then decided to go ahead and call so I could tell him off.
Now, before I proced, I shall give a very brief tale of how I know this man. It was during my 1st term in October that I first met him. James had me come with him to NY. It was one of the few times I was able to get away for the weekend. {You know, its really heard to try and come up with a plusable story that both friends, family, and work will buy} That Saturday, he took me to a party to some of his friends. I have never been all that crazy about crowds, two to five is usually my comfort level, but there were a lot of people there. I knew no one there so I was pretty much glued to James side. We got into a large group and I lost him. So here I was, all alone in this crowd when a very nicely dressed, tall and imposing man comes up to me{ I descripe him as very well looking and he is but... there is something about him ... } He starts to talk and makes me feel slightly more comfortable. We finally found out way out of the crowd and set down. He talked and flirited with me for about 5 minutes until James found me. I was relieved to see him because even though Johnthan had made me feel less anxious around other people, I felt the need to be on my guard while I was with him. James, obviously did not like him, and he did admit that he knew him but refused to tell me how or anything about him. As a matter of fact James told me not to speak to him again and we left the party soon after wards. I brought Johnthan up again but he refused and still does refsue to tell me anything about him. All James would say is to stay away from him because he's not a good guy.
After that night, I have never had any contact with Johnthan again nor desired to and once my annoyance and temper wore off began to wonder. What did he want and a better question still, how did he get my new number? I've only had this phone for about 2 weeks. I tried to get a hold of James to ask him what this might be about but couldn't. I am too much of a scardy cat to call him. I thought maybe I should wait and see what James has to say.


  1. *giggles laying on my back in a playful manner* thank you for comforting me big sis. Me is a scaredy cat when it comes to storms hehe I have to say, this whole fiasco sounds exciting, but dangerous. Be careful big sis! *sniffles*

  2. As I told you, I talked to James and have not yet heard back from him. He lectured me about this and that and went off to try and find out what was going on. I don't like to be babied and I don't like to be lectured {pouts}. I'll make a post when I hear back from him.

  3. Hello Kitten, [strokes ever so silky fur gentely] You can quite harping on me now, I've done as you commanded :) Yeah stay away from him, I think I know who you're talking. Give me a call sometime and I'll tell you what I know.
    Lady Aurora
