Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finals and Spring

Kitten is excited because it's all most over. The ending I am referring to classes. I just took my Microeconomics final and it went well. Now all I need to do is pass the dreaded Accounting final. On the topic of grades, our group got an A-(92) for our presentation. I'm relieved, since I was afraid that we didn't do that well. I have final grades for French (B+) and English Comp.(A).
Spring is so inspiring an yet so distracting. My campus is very small but extremely beautiful. In my opinion it probably has the most scenenic grouds of any campus. Well, today is rainy but it nonetheless detracted from the beautiful scene outside the class room wind. The grass was a deep green and the shrubery was also a dark green with lighter tips that matched so well. There is also a beautiful pink/purple flowering tree outside of Hulman 020 and the pastel colors complement the darker colors of the grass and bushes. Because of this pretty scene I just could not conccentrate on my review.
I need to call down to ISU and get set up for summer classes but I just cannot get up the energy to deal with them, ( I'm blaming on th rainy weather). I also need to get ahold of the Wall Street Journal and getting my newspaper sent back to my house.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

3 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kitten is relaxing today. All of my classes are finished except for two finals. Micro economics is on Thursday and Accounting is on Friday.
I was doing research last night for study abroad in my junior year. It's so confusing, trying to find the right university and then pick the right college within that university. I was looking at the University of Durham and they had numerous colleges. Which one would I want? I know that I apply to Durham but am I assigned to a certain college or do I need to pick one. If I had to pick I like Saint Mary's, how ironic:)
I need to call down to ISU and find out how I take classes there. I really hate dealing with that places. I'm put on hold and switched from person to person about ten times. It's normally so much easier at SMWC.
I'm rather dissapointed in the lingerie department. It's my bi annual lingerie buying time (summer and winter) and I have yet to find anything that will work. I want something pretty but not overly sexy. I don't really care what people think but it would look a little silly for me to be walking around in a see through chisme. I normall prefer dressing gowns but its so hot( yes, it was 80 F yesterday!) that I want as little as possible. I don't care what I wear at home but when I go back to SMWC I prefer to keep a low profile and because Breaha wanted a room on the North side, I had to get a room with out a bath room. That means I'll have to walk down hall and I would rediculous in some sexy/frilly/ lacy night thing.
Later in the Day
I have read two things today that have really made me think. The first was about Miss California again. My local paper ran an article about her return to California. While the way she was treated made me mad a quote that she gave made me really admire her. She said that, "I learned that God has a bigger crown thann any man can give you." The fact that she was willing to not only stand up for what she believed in but also refuse to retract what she had said really made me admire her. She did not say anything wrong and she has as much of a right to her opinion as anyone else.
The other thing that I read just a few minutes ago made me feel sad but also lucky. My boss ( and aunt) Alice sent me an email telling me about a little girl who had brain tumor. She had an operation once and they removed it but apparetnly it grew back or another came in. She is only 8 years old. She should be out playing with her friends, not having brain surgey. Why is life so unbalanced?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Children International

Last night I was bored and I started reading the magazine that Children International sent me. Children International is a charity organization that helps children in 3rd world countries get sponsored by adults. Sponsorship provides them with some clothing, school supplies, medical and dental care, and presents during special times. I sponsor a 15 year old boy in the Phillippines.
Anyway, I started reading the magazine, and it made me feel so materialistic. These people struggle just to put food on their table. Sometimes, they are unable to do even this. There incomes range from $90-190 a month and there are usually atleast three- to seven if not more to a family. They buy ony what they have to have.
I on the other hand, never stop shopping. I spend untold amounts on clothes, purses, lingerie, jevwlery and even bras. In the pat few months, since the beginning of the year I have spent a little over $2000 on things that I really didn't need.
I'm somewhat ashamed of myself. I should be doing so many other contructive things with my money other than spending it. Sponosor another child, buy more stock, save it. My new resolution is to only buy what Ineed not what I want.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Women in Technology

It's friday and Kitten is happy. She had a very amusing day today. It all started in Survey of SIC. We were talking about women in technology. I assumed that Marie and Jamie (not their real names) would be lean toward the feminist side but they were surprisingly rather against 1st and 2nd wave feminism. Marie escpically was very passionate on the subject. (I'm not going to share my views on feminism because they get rather harsh but for the most part I agree with these two)
To sum there arguements up, they feel that women should go into technology but only if they feel inclined. A lot of women do not find technology an interesting field to go in and that's all right. Both women and men should go into the areas where they are more passionate at and excel with. I don't mean to sterotype because there are a lot of women are drawn to the technological field and I think that's great but many women prefer other industries and their is nothing wrong with that.
They made very good points that men are more analytical and single minded and that goes helps when doing programming and such. Many women do not have the single mindness it takes to do all the computer programming alogorythms thingies that need to be done. ( I have no idea how to program or what an alogorythm is but I have a feeling that they're right) I know that I do not have the concentration it would take to do program. Heck, it took Helen and I two days to program that blasted lego robot and it did not take some special language. You just used the software and told it what to do. Anyway, I would have to agree with them on this point but I'm also taking their word on it.
My opinion about the subject is this: Why is this even a subject of discussion? What does the ratio of women to men matter? It should not. People might be better off to divert time, money, and energy that they are wasting on these gender studies and just use it to improve the industry. It should not matter who's on the team as long as the team can do the job and do it well.
Helen, to Kitten's dismay, happens to be a feminist but I'll forgive her for that:) Really, I'm not hard core anti-feminist anymore. I'm trying very hard to get rid of my Feminist prejudice that I picked up in highschool. Actually, I even have to grudgingly admit that while there are many things about feminism that I cannot stand, it has helped women advanced and for that I am grateful and appreciative.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kitten and the Dreaded Presentation

Today is the day. GPP-day. Yes, we have the group project presentation day today. Kitten is seriously debating find a rock to crawl under or stepping out in front of a galloping horsey. No, I don't want to give our presentation! (Kitten paces back and forth across the microeconomics room while professor looks on confused.) Our presentation is hoorrible and we shall be laughed out of the room:( Why can't I be like this little kitty and find a nice sunny tree to sleep in?

On a more positive and less depressing point, its so pretty out and there are now only 6 school days left! I feel like I'm back in elementary school, counting the days until school is dimissed. Then five days into the break, I'll start counting the days until school starts.

I need to call the Wall Street Journal and tell them to start sending my paper to my house. It isn't going to do Kitten much good up here this summer. I think that when I renew, I'm going to tell father to just take out the online subscription. It is easier and more convient for me to read it online then to read the paper version. I am debating about taking the Fincial Times but only if they have it online.

Later in the day
Kitten is breathing a sight of relief. She has finished her English presentation, which clocked out to be the longest at a little over 20 min. This also means that my English Composition class is over with. I'll miss Ms. Bowden

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Perecution, procastination, people, and patients

Kitten is rather annoyed at the media and many people today but then again, I usually am. All this huff about what Miss California said is ridiculous. She has as much right to her opinion as anyone else. She also has a right not to be discrinmated against. Which are what people are doing. She did not say that she hated gay people or even though badly about them. They asked her a values questions that should be one's own personal belief. People do not see it that way, though. She did not choice the "poltically correct opinion and so she's a bigot.
People are so hypocritical, espically those that say they are "open minded." There open to other opinions as long as they agree with their version of the truth/fairness/tolerance/ morality is. All Miss California said was that she thought marriage should between a man and a woman. She did not say gays were going to hell, she did not say that we should disciminate, she just stood up for what she believes and for that I have to commend her. It's easy to agree with the current but not so easy to go against it.
I found an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about a medical school in Twain called...well, I can't remember the name and I too lazy to look it up but it was a very nice med school. When people donated there bodies to science, the students did not just go in and start cutting on them. They worked in groups and leanred about the patient that they would be working. They meet the family, did interviews, presented powerpoints presentations on them, burned incense and prayed for them, and afterward helped with the burial. It was very touching that they went through all that trouble. It would be nice if we had such respect for life over here but unfortunately we can't be bothered to take the time.
I had room selection last night. Breaha ought to be happy. I was able to get a room on the 4th floor, north side. It does not have a connecting bathroom but I thought that the extra room and privacy would make up for it. I say privacy because I knew that we would not get an enclosed bathroom by ourselves and so that would leave us with suitmates. Neither Breaha nor I liked the thought that well and with just a double room there will be no connecting room. Very private.
I'm getting annoyed with my English Comp group. We were supposed to have a meeting last night to finish up our project but we had to cancel because they didn't have anything done. We have had three weeks to get this thing together and they can't seem to write a three to four page magazine section. Kitten floops down annoyed onto her bed and grumbles about lazy people.
I spent the better part of last night scouring the web for lingerie. I didn't really find anything that took my eye. It was either too sexy or to conservative. I'm not wearing it for anyone in particular, just myself. It don't care what others think, we I go to bed I like to feel a nice silk dressing gown.
It's pretty out today, but unfortunately it is tainted because of the stupid poster show that I have to attend tonight. I'm going to mad if H bails on me. She caught me last night as I was coming back from room selection and told me that she wouldn't be at class but she would be able to make it in the evening.
Much Later in the Day
The Poster Show is over and I didn't have to suffer through it alone! J came and so did H, eventually. It went well. A lot of people stopped by but I have to say that it was not the professors or the people sent to scout for talent. It was the kiddies:) Yes, they loved us, espically, the our robot The H & H Light and Drive which I still say sounds like the name of a train. Anyway, we had these two little girls who just loved them. They accidently broke them a few times but H and I were able to get them back together.
I am now at my English meeting but Karolyn working on putting everything in order so there' s not mch for me to do. I'll be so glad to get this project over with but as group projects go, this wasn't so bad.
There is a thing tomorrow, or was today(I hope not) on Study Abroad. Need to check my email and make sure I didn't miss. Kitten struts off to check her email

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Sleepy Day

Kitten is so sleepy today. All I want to do is curl up in my little kitty bed and take a nice long cat nap.

It's Tuesday. One more day closer to Friday but four days away. So close but so far.
I got a call from someone who I had recently thought I put in the past. I need to keep to my resolve but resistance is wanning.
Kitten needs to get to her French, maybe I'll write later, when I actually have something to say.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, Problems, Ghosts, and Car Rides

Oh no it's Monday:( Kitten is ignoring this facting pretending that it is Friday. Monday's are never good, espically when they are the rainy, damp, and chilly Monday's we have here today. It makes Kitten so unmotivated to do her ever growing pile of assignments.

I have a technical problem that is driving me up the wall. My stupid computer will not down load any of the Microsoft Publisher templates for our English Comp. presentation. I sent an urgent message to The Leader and she has yet to respond.

I think that there is a very unhappy ghost over here in Hulman Hall. Every few seconds, there is a terrible whistling and I can't figure out where it is coming from. Mybe the ghost is just as upset as I about it being Monday?

Speaking of strange occurances, Breaha and I had one coming home Saturday night. It was about 10 pm and we were on the highway with only three other vehicles( a van in front of us and a older car slightly behind us). Suddenly, the van swered to the right lane and then Breaha and I saw why. There was a huge grey animal that had been hit laying in the middle of the road. I also had to cut the car behind me off to avoid running over the thing. There are no animals like that around here. It was smaller than a cow but definately bigger than a wolf. Breaha and I are sure that it was grey but the size of it rules out a wolf or cayote. I guess we'll never know.

It's the last full week of school(Kitten jumps up and down with anticipation). I'll get a month off before my summer classes start. I think, anyway.
Much Later in the Day
We only have a few days of French left and the final test will be take home! Yeah! Kitten would be jumping up and down but she is too tired. I did not get my normal two hour break between Survey of SIC and French because H and I had to work on the poster for the show which is Wednesday. I just know our robot is going to fall apart on us while M and J's well, can't really far apart, lucky them.
I'm feeling a little stressed. I have so much to do in this week and no time to do it in. Kitten is running exhaustedly around in circles and getting very little done Although, Bri-chan did send me the most adorable kitten pics ever so I shall have to return the favor.
Tomorrow is room selection so I need to be back at Le Fer by 7:30 pm. Is it just me or does that seem just a little late? I think that 5 would have been a good time.
Well, by five minute break has come to the end and now I must get back to French.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Not Enough Time In A Weekend

Kitten has had a very busy, flustrating weekend. I'm finally moved out of the dorm but I kind of forgot to sign everyone out so I'm probably in trouble for that. Breaha and I went out Saturday went shopping and ate way to much. I found an old poetry book of Lord Byron's which I'm so happy about. I also bought a short play of Shakespears that I had never heard of and a book on moral philosophy. I would get into more detail but its late and Kitten needs her beauty sleep. Oh, two weeks left of school:)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Flustration, exhaustion, shopping, and books

I'm so flustrated today. I still can't get into my 1's and my 3's fit much tighter than I would like them to. What do I have to do? Stop eating? My clothes are not the only thing that has me somewhat annoyed. I just do not understad Direct Materials and Direct Variances. I have been sitting for an hour and a half trying to get this worksheet together. I was able to do the computing and using standard cost.
Yesterday was so busy. I got up at 5 am, did my article review, loaded about six bags of my stuff to take home, went to classes, loaded more things, went home, went back up to Le Fer and loaded more. You would think that after all that loading I would have gotten everything home but I didn't. There is still a bunch of stuff up in my room. Mom's going to help me take more of it this evening.
We won't be able to make another trip because some one is coming to fix my internet at home. Yeah:) It's about time.
Mom and I won't be able to come up Saturday either, unless we come before Mass, because once Mass is finished I'll be picking up Breaha and we'll be going out. She has somethings that she wants to get. I mainly want to look for a purse and a bra. I'm not sure on the purse jut yet though. Victoria's Secret had a really cute Steve Madden one that I liked but I am so tired of the one I'm carrying. I don't know why I feel the need to go bra shopping but it sounds more appealing than clothes, which I already have way too much of.
I don't have any interesting/enlightening facts that I have been trying to add each day. I can't even remember what we talked about in Micro and I'm too tired to think about French right now.
I did order two book over the Easter Break. One was some of Victor Hugo's poems with both the French and the English version. I really like it, great transaltion. The other book Why Sex is Fun is rather boring and dry. It talks about the eveolution of sex but it's put in a very no nonsense manner. Maybe I just haven't gotten far enough into it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wal-Mart, Summer, and the Economy

I can't believe today is Wednesday and we only have 12 school days left. It's too soon! Atleast I don't have that many finals. I'm not sure if I even have any comprehensive finals:)
I did not sleep last night but I did however get my homework done.
Yesterday in Microeconomics, we watched a video about Wal-Mart and whether it was good for America. I haven't really studied it enough to come to my own conclusion but I can see the arguments to both sides.
On one hand, Wal-Mart has the cheapest price with the best variety. They supply costumers with the lowest prices possible possible but at who's expense?
The manufactures have to meet Wal-Mart demands or less Wal-Mart simple won't carry them. To make Wal-Mart's demands, these manufactures have to outsource jobs over seas to places like China, Mexico, India, Twain, and other places that they can pay a low wage. They can also get materials over there much cheaper than if they were made in the States. Because of this, many factories have closed because it is so much profitable to have things made in other countries than in the US.
Wages are much high in the States. In July, I think, the minium wage in Indiana will go up to 7.25 and its is higher in other states. In an interview in the video one plant paid its works something like 30 cents an hour and they made roughly $100 dollars a month.
Materials are also cheaper. In the video, during an interview, a man said his plant closed because it would cost less to make the products in China than it would in the states.
Without these lower prices, though, many lower class people probably couldn't survive. It is much cheaper to go to Wal-Mart to buy food, household supplies, clothes, and even som furniture. At specialty stores, the prices are much higher and some people really cannot pay the extra.
It's a sad thing but while Wal-Mart may not be all that good for our country, it also seems a necissity for many of the people, escpically during this economic downturn.
There my pessimestic report for the day let's get on with more uplifting news. I'm going to try to lasso my academic advisor and try to figure out what we are going to do about summer classes. I also have an article review to do tonight for Microeconomics but I haven't decided whether to do it on Labor Unions or someother area that isn't coming to me right now.
Our meeting for Composition was cancelled due to conflicted scheduling. Yes, ever forgot and made plans to do something else. Not that I cared, I wanted to go home and the thought of sticking around for two hours was fatiguing.
Kittens sighs and decides that it is time to get back to her work before class starts.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Privacy, Problems, and Prerversion

Kitten is so sleepy this morning. I think I slept for ten hours last night. I'm sitting in Micro. but the class won't start for another 25 minutes.

I have decided that yesterdays post was a little dramatic. I was just embarrassed but I really have no reason to be.

I started researching a very troubling subject last night: brothels and sex slavery. It is so sad and distressing to what happens to young girls and even young boys. It doesn't just happen in third world countries but in the States as well as Europe.

Unfortunately, once these teens or young adults are forced into slavery, society views them as prostitutes; people who willingly do this. When these people are hurt, raped, or killed its there fault because they are in the situation that they're in. That hardly seems fair to me. When a child is molested, it not there faults and when a boy or girl is forced into prostitution, it is hardly their fault.

Young teens seem to be the most vulnerable to being abducted and forced into slavery but many times the police don't want to deal with it. They just say that the teen just ran away and was troubled. Some of them probably did run away but were forced into prostitution other could have been abducted.

As a society, we have this really bad habit of judging people without getting the entire story or are just to prejudice and narrow minded to believe. I wonder how they would like it if they(people in society) were forced into the same situation? Something tells me that they might change their minds on who's at fault here.

Even if they are consensually prostitutes, call girls, escorts, ect. they shouldn't be treated like animals. They still have rights and should be treated with due respect. 'm not saying that the sex industry is something glamorous or something that should be advertised as a wonderful industry to go into. It is a very dangerous and emotionally and physically draining job but sex workers should not be demeaned or discriminated against because of their chosen profession.

We preach tolerance in our society but in only if politically correct to uphold. Things such as prostitution are not politically correct and so people look down their noses at them.

Ok, enough with my depressing tangent and on to other more sensuous and provocative subjects... No not that its better: chocolate, particularly chocolate pretzel brownies. I was feeling a little sluggish and fatigued after French so I stopped over at Jazzman's and got a white chocolate mocha and an oh so delicious chocolate and pretzel brownie. Maybe it was not having chocolate for 40 days but that was better than...Hum, to descriptive. Suffice to say that absence does makes the heart grown fonder(and hungrier:)

So much homework to do and no time at all to do it:( I have to write my little essays on famous people in Terre Haute. Then their my unfinished accounting assignment, two french assignments, and an article review in Microeconomics.
My summer classes have been cancelled due to lack of enrollment. It's not fair! I had it all planned out and these students messed up my plans by not enrolling. That means that I'll have to go to ISU if I want to take classes.

Kitten needs to take up her calculator and accounting book and hit the books so off she goes on another sleepless night of work.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Break

Kitten is finally rid of her sins(well for today at least). I finally got up the nerve to get my tail into confession. While Fr. V. has been my priest every since I was but a new born kitten, I had never been to confession with him before. I have always preferred to go to priest at other parishes that I did not know so well. In high school, I went Fr. M or Fr. H but since I've graduated I have no choice but to go to Fr. V.
It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Actually it was the best confession I have ever had. Albeit, I the worst as far as sins go. I told him my confession which I hurried through and sounded like an idiot. He started to tell me calm down but said to relax. I really hate confession. He didn't want to talk about my sins though which is good because that makes me so uncomfortable. He did tell me I made a beautiful confession but it didn't sound that beautiful to me. I guess he meant that I had a good understand of what constitutes a sin.
Anyway, today is the last day of classes five days. Kitten is hopping and jumping around her little play houses. I plan to do a lot of shopping to kick off this little holiday. I thought about calling Breaha but her school she is still a senior at a public high school in our hometown and she a little miffed that she has to go to school when I don't. Sorry Bri, but wait till next year and we'll take a trip.
Speaking of trips, I need to get a hold of the professor for ID 497 and talk to her about the class. I know I had some apprehension about the trip but I'm starting to get excited. I have just found out the Greece had nude beaches. Kitten thinks she might want to try...;)
Kitten is directionally challenge and finding places she has never been before is somewhat of a challenge. I have an interview with V. County Historical Society tomorrow and need to find the place. Unfortunately, it is on sixth street and I haven't the faintest clue where that is. I do know that is not the best part of town. Why would they have a Historical musuem in this part of town?
H---- and I will hopefully be able to finish programing our robot today. Yeah! I'm so glad this is about over and it's definitely a good thing tha t us two are not going into engineering or computer programming field. That would not be good.
I want to know how badly I did no that blasted French test. I know it wasn't that great but I'm hoping for atleast a C. I'm planing to study these nest five days on chapter eight, which is the weather. I am going to get an A on this next test if it kills me and it just might.
Well, Survey of CIS is about to start, so Kitten is going to pretend she is paying attention to H-- program while she thinks about nude beaches and hot Greeks;)

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Sad and Reflective Day

Kitten was sad this morning. I woke up and decided to check my emails because some of my professors were supposed to be sending me things. When my homepage came up it showed pictures of the earthquake in Italy. It's so sad. One of the photos showed a baby being put into a coffin with its mother.

The sad start to day presisted and seemed to rub off on the weather. It was rainy/snowy and very cold. The sky was dull lifeless gray sea. The wind was also a little fierce.

Today was a busy day. H--- and I almost have our robot together but we have one little problem; he keeps falling apart. We will have Wednesday to work on on him and then that's it. The poster show thingy is soon. H--- and I have to pick the picture we want to display for out class for the pster show.

Apparently everyone else had problems with the flexible budget for the investment/profit center. You take the billable hours and divide them by the variable costs.

I have absolutely no idea how I did on my French test. If my accounting hadn't taken about four blasted hours then I might have done a little better. Oh well, what's done is done. We won't find out our scores until after easter break. I'm a little surprised that sh is even having class tomorrow because we don't have class Wednesday and then Easter Break starts. We won't have class again until next Tuesday and then we'll have Wednesday off again. How are we ever going to get through another chapter.

I emailed the professor in charge of the ID 497 class today. If she doesn't email me back I'll just wing it and try to get ahold of her after French.

I just started an apologetics book by Fr. Anathony F. Alexander. I've had it for a while and feel a little guilty for butting other not so pious reading ahead of it.

Speaking of religious matters, lent is just about over with! I can finally have sweets again and not feel bad about it. I also need to get my tail into confession, although, I fear it might be a little painful for me. I haven't been since last Holy week and while, I haven't exactly been a good girl. To be really honest, I've been pretty bad, well for me anyway. Most of my sins are of a more sensual natural while the other half are of pure laziness. Kitten sighs and goes off to reflect.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Too Much Work and Not Enough Time

Kitten wishes she was at home but she's back at school once again. I have a French test I should be studying for and two accounting assignments.

Breaha and I had a good time Saturday night. I finally found her wandering around campus. We went to the mall bought some clothes and then went to subway to eat. Here lately I've somewhat put out at Subway. There quality of service has been going down hill everywhere around here, but what can you expect for a fast food resturant.
I could not believe the shorts that they are putting out. They barely cover your rear. There is no way I'm walking around in public with shorts that look and fit more like bikinis. I did find one pair but there are black and leather so there going to be hot.
My accounting is giving me fits. We are doing different kinds of centers you can have such as cost center, profit center, revenue center, investment center, and one other one that I can't remember. Anyway, I understand how you do a flexible budget for a cost center but I'm lost when it comes to an investment center. I don't have a predetermined cost to multiple by output.
I not only have that accounting assignment but I also have a French test tomorrow. I think that I pretty much understand the passe composse so I should be fine. Our professor always has a way of throwing us a curve ball on the test, though.
We only have a three day school week and normally I would dancing around the room but I just can't get excited. I hope I'm not getting sick. I feel so sluggish and tired.
I finished reading my book. It did get better but there were a few graphic scenes in there that I just couldn't read. Why do people have to use vulgar language for sex? What's wrong with making love or just sex. Fucking, screwing, ect. are too vulgar for my taste. This book had a lot of vulgar words but it was still an interesting and even enlightening book. Erotica doesn't normally think about anything other than sex but this did. The main character had several hang ups about sex that I can relate on a level but not exactly her level. I guess trust is the key issue.
Speaking of books I found the cutest collection of poems by T.S. Elliot called Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. It's so cute and I was kind of surprised the Elliot had written something like this. One of my favorite books, which is actually a play, is Murder in the Cathedral .
I have so much to do in this short week. I need to sign Breaha and I up for a room, talk with my academic advisor, get a hold of the professor for ID 497, and give that interview on Thursday for our group project. Kitten feels very sleeply at seeing all things she has to do this week. Time to find a nice warm place to curl up...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fashion and Flight

Kitten prefers to be home on Saturday but today I scurried up to the dorm to pick up Breaha, who is at her pre-freshman oreintation/ mixer. Then we are heading out to go shopping yet again. I need to get some new shorts and swim suits.
What is sexier? A really itty bitty bikini or a one piece that cut to be really revealing. I want something sexy but not slutty. I'll probably wind up in a bikini but the latter sounds appealing. Victoria's Sectrets is where I normally get by swimsuits but I got their catalogue the other other day and was very dissapointed. I just could not find one that really took my eye. There was this one that was actually knited and lavender(sexy but innocent), another that was white(sophicated),another that was blue and white and barely there(a little slutty), and there was a green one that had like a push up bra thingy in it which I need.
I normally don't ware shorts because too revealing to just walk around in but I have decided to go to Greece and I do believe that it gets hot there. So short shopping I'll go. Since my city is extremely limited, unless I feel the need to drive an hour and a half to Indy, I probably have to go to Hollister or Macy's.
You know one thing that really annoys me about Neiman Marcus. There size 2 are not sizes 2, more like size 4. I most things I purchase there over the internet have to be shipped back because they are too big. I weigh about 110 pounds so I'm not that under weight. I just recieved a catalogue from them the other day and they had some really cute clothes but most of them only went to a 4.
Yes, I have decided to go to Greece or more correctly my father has decided that I'm going to Greece. It annoyed me a little that he's so eager to get rid of me for half a month. I could get killed, kidnapped, rape but no let's go ahead and send Kitten half way around the world to be an assistant teacher. Although, getting kid napped by some hot Greek or hot guy period might not bother me all that much...

Friday, April 3, 2009


It's finally Friday and I only have four weeks until summer break! While I may not have decided what to do about Greece yet, I'm excited about just being able to relax for three months. Well, I do have summer classes most of my for alegabra and Quickbooks but that's ok.
Yesterday was not the best day for me. Actually, this week has not been my best week but I hope this weekend will be better.
Macy's has not called on my foundation yet and its been a week. I knew when she wrot emy name down in that book that I'd never get a call(sighs). I'll have to go Sunday and see if it's in.
I finally recieved my book but I'm dissapointed with it. While I like erotica, I also like a story with it. Maybe I just haven't gotten far enough in it.
I'm starting to realize something that bothers me but I don't want to put it on her becuase I'm in class, well, supposedly. There only one other person here, but then again, that's half of the class.
Yes, we have very small classe. My Survey of SIC is four people, microeconomics is eight, French is 13, Accounting is 7, English is 18. The up side to small school but the down side being no guys.
As far as this weekend goes. I have decided not to go with him. It's just a bad time.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Kitten does not now what to do. I recieved an email yesterday from one of the professors about an ID 497 class. This is an intercultural class and we would be going to Greece to teach in at a summer camp. I didn't think I would be able to go since it was a 497 course and I'll only be a sophmore next year. The professor wrote me back today and said that I was eligibale to go and it won't conflict with my other summer course schedule because they will be done in ealy June. We will not be leaving for Greece until the 22nd. I feel apprehensive about going on this trip. Yes, I will be going with people from my school but still.
You think I'd be used to traveling without a companion by now. I've been to seven different countries with out a chaprone(well, while traveling anyway). But this would be such a good experience and would look really good on a resume.
Before I got the email yesterday, I was feeling really restless and had been pondering the idea of doing study abroad early but then I got this email. If I do this trip, I won't do the study abroad this year.
I don't know what I want to do. Part of me wants to go but the other part just wants to stay home and read the entire summer. My New Years resolution was to be more social, though.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Hate Wednesdays

I'm kind of excited about something but I'm not sure about it yet so I won't mention it, but it sounds like fun.
Should I do my study abroad this coming winter or should I wait till my junior year. There are advantages and disadvntes to both and I'm not too sure what to do. If I wait and do it in my junior year, there is no way I'll be able to do two internship like I wanted to do before I graduate. If I do it this winter, than I'll only be able stay one semester and that will hardly give me time to settle in. Although I might not be going at all if I don't ever corral the Assitant Academic Dean. She's either always in a meeting or out of her office.
It's been a rather boring but very sunny day today. I'm rather fatigued today and don't have too much to say.I'll right more tomorrow (Kitten goes off to find somewhere cozy to sleep and have a nice steemy dream)