Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Perecution, procastination, people, and patients

Kitten is rather annoyed at the media and many people today but then again, I usually am. All this huff about what Miss California said is ridiculous. She has as much right to her opinion as anyone else. She also has a right not to be discrinmated against. Which are what people are doing. She did not say that she hated gay people or even though badly about them. They asked her a values questions that should be one's own personal belief. People do not see it that way, though. She did not choice the "poltically correct opinion and so she's a bigot.
People are so hypocritical, espically those that say they are "open minded." There open to other opinions as long as they agree with their version of the truth/fairness/tolerance/ morality is. All Miss California said was that she thought marriage should between a man and a woman. She did not say gays were going to hell, she did not say that we should disciminate, she just stood up for what she believes and for that I have to commend her. It's easy to agree with the current but not so easy to go against it.
I found an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about a medical school in Twain called...well, I can't remember the name and I too lazy to look it up but it was a very nice med school. When people donated there bodies to science, the students did not just go in and start cutting on them. They worked in groups and leanred about the patient that they would be working. They meet the family, did interviews, presented powerpoints presentations on them, burned incense and prayed for them, and afterward helped with the burial. It was very touching that they went through all that trouble. It would be nice if we had such respect for life over here but unfortunately we can't be bothered to take the time.
I had room selection last night. Breaha ought to be happy. I was able to get a room on the 4th floor, north side. It does not have a connecting bathroom but I thought that the extra room and privacy would make up for it. I say privacy because I knew that we would not get an enclosed bathroom by ourselves and so that would leave us with suitmates. Neither Breaha nor I liked the thought that well and with just a double room there will be no connecting room. Very private.
I'm getting annoyed with my English Comp group. We were supposed to have a meeting last night to finish up our project but we had to cancel because they didn't have anything done. We have had three weeks to get this thing together and they can't seem to write a three to four page magazine section. Kitten floops down annoyed onto her bed and grumbles about lazy people.
I spent the better part of last night scouring the web for lingerie. I didn't really find anything that took my eye. It was either too sexy or to conservative. I'm not wearing it for anyone in particular, just myself. It don't care what others think, we I go to bed I like to feel a nice silk dressing gown.
It's pretty out today, but unfortunately it is tainted because of the stupid poster show that I have to attend tonight. I'm going to mad if H bails on me. She caught me last night as I was coming back from room selection and told me that she wouldn't be at class but she would be able to make it in the evening.
Much Later in the Day
The Poster Show is over and I didn't have to suffer through it alone! J came and so did H, eventually. It went well. A lot of people stopped by but I have to say that it was not the professors or the people sent to scout for talent. It was the kiddies:) Yes, they loved us, espically, the our robot The H & H Light and Drive which I still say sounds like the name of a train. Anyway, we had these two little girls who just loved them. They accidently broke them a few times but H and I were able to get them back together.
I am now at my English meeting but Karolyn working on putting everything in order so there' s not mch for me to do. I'll be so glad to get this project over with but as group projects go, this wasn't so bad.
There is a thing tomorrow, or was today(I hope not) on Study Abroad. Need to check my email and make sure I didn't miss. Kitten struts off to check her email

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