Today is the day. GPP-day. Yes, we have the group project presentation day today. Kitten is seriously debating find a rock to crawl under or stepping out in front of a galloping horsey. No, I don't want to give our presentation! (Kitten paces back and forth across the microeconomics room while professor looks on confused.) Our presentation is hoorrible and we shall be laughed out of the room:( Why can't I be like this little kitty and find a nice sunny tree to sleep in?
On a more positive and less depressing point, its so pretty out and there are now only 6 school days left! I feel like I'm back in elementary school, counting the days until school is dimissed. Then five days into the break, I'll start counting the days until school starts.
I need to call the Wall Street Journal and tell them to start sending my paper to my house. It isn't going to do Kitten much good up here this summer. I think that when I renew, I'm going to tell father to just take out the online subscription. It is easier and more convient for me to read it online then to read the paper version. I am debating about taking the Fincial Times but only if they have it online.
Later in the day
Kitten is breathing a sight of relief. She has finished her English presentation, which clocked out to be the longest at a little over 20 min. This also means that my English Composition class is over with. I'll miss Ms. Bowden
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