Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wal-Mart, Summer, and the Economy

I can't believe today is Wednesday and we only have 12 school days left. It's too soon! Atleast I don't have that many finals. I'm not sure if I even have any comprehensive finals:)
I did not sleep last night but I did however get my homework done.
Yesterday in Microeconomics, we watched a video about Wal-Mart and whether it was good for America. I haven't really studied it enough to come to my own conclusion but I can see the arguments to both sides.
On one hand, Wal-Mart has the cheapest price with the best variety. They supply costumers with the lowest prices possible possible but at who's expense?
The manufactures have to meet Wal-Mart demands or less Wal-Mart simple won't carry them. To make Wal-Mart's demands, these manufactures have to outsource jobs over seas to places like China, Mexico, India, Twain, and other places that they can pay a low wage. They can also get materials over there much cheaper than if they were made in the States. Because of this, many factories have closed because it is so much profitable to have things made in other countries than in the US.
Wages are much high in the States. In July, I think, the minium wage in Indiana will go up to 7.25 and its is higher in other states. In an interview in the video one plant paid its works something like 30 cents an hour and they made roughly $100 dollars a month.
Materials are also cheaper. In the video, during an interview, a man said his plant closed because it would cost less to make the products in China than it would in the states.
Without these lower prices, though, many lower class people probably couldn't survive. It is much cheaper to go to Wal-Mart to buy food, household supplies, clothes, and even som furniture. At specialty stores, the prices are much higher and some people really cannot pay the extra.
It's a sad thing but while Wal-Mart may not be all that good for our country, it also seems a necissity for many of the people, escpically during this economic downturn.
There my pessimestic report for the day let's get on with more uplifting news. I'm going to try to lasso my academic advisor and try to figure out what we are going to do about summer classes. I also have an article review to do tonight for Microeconomics but I haven't decided whether to do it on Labor Unions or someother area that isn't coming to me right now.
Our meeting for Composition was cancelled due to conflicted scheduling. Yes, ever forgot and made plans to do something else. Not that I cared, I wanted to go home and the thought of sticking around for two hours was fatiguing.
Kittens sighs and decides that it is time to get back to her work before class starts.

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