It's friday and Kitten is happy. She had a very amusing day today. It all started in Survey of SIC. We were talking about women in technology. I assumed that Marie and Jamie (not their real names) would be lean toward the feminist side but they were surprisingly rather against 1st and 2nd wave feminism. Marie escpically was very passionate on the subject. (I'm not going to share my views on feminism because they get rather harsh but for the most part I agree with these two)
To sum there arguements up, they feel that women should go into technology but only if they feel inclined. A lot of women do not find technology an interesting field to go in and that's all right. Both women and men should go into the areas where they are more passionate at and excel with. I don't mean to sterotype because there are a lot of women are drawn to the technological field and I think that's great but many women prefer other industries and their is nothing wrong with that.
They made very good points that men are more analytical and single minded and that goes helps when doing programming and such. Many women do not have the single mindness it takes to do all the computer programming alogorythms thingies that need to be done. ( I have no idea how to program or what an alogorythm is but I have a feeling that they're right) I know that I do not have the concentration it would take to do program. Heck, it took Helen and I two days to program that blasted lego robot and it did not take some special language. You just used the software and told it what to do. Anyway, I would have to agree with them on this point but I'm also taking their word on it.
My opinion about the subject is this: Why is this even a subject of discussion? What does the ratio of women to men matter? It should not. People might be better off to divert time, money, and energy that they are wasting on these gender studies and just use it to improve the industry. It should not matter who's on the team as long as the team can do the job and do it well.
Helen, to Kitten's dismay, happens to be a feminist but I'll forgive her for that:) Really, I'm not hard core anti-feminist anymore. I'm trying very hard to get rid of my Feminist prejudice that I picked up in highschool. Actually, I even have to grudgingly admit that while there are many things about feminism that I cannot stand, it has helped women advanced and for that I am grateful and appreciative.
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