Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finals and Spring

Kitten is excited because it's all most over. The ending I am referring to classes. I just took my Microeconomics final and it went well. Now all I need to do is pass the dreaded Accounting final. On the topic of grades, our group got an A-(92) for our presentation. I'm relieved, since I was afraid that we didn't do that well. I have final grades for French (B+) and English Comp.(A).
Spring is so inspiring an yet so distracting. My campus is very small but extremely beautiful. In my opinion it probably has the most scenenic grouds of any campus. Well, today is rainy but it nonetheless detracted from the beautiful scene outside the class room wind. The grass was a deep green and the shrubery was also a dark green with lighter tips that matched so well. There is also a beautiful pink/purple flowering tree outside of Hulman 020 and the pastel colors complement the darker colors of the grass and bushes. Because of this pretty scene I just could not conccentrate on my review.
I need to call down to ISU and get set up for summer classes but I just cannot get up the energy to deal with them, ( I'm blaming on th rainy weather). I also need to get ahold of the Wall Street Journal and getting my newspaper sent back to my house.

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