Monday, December 7, 2009
Finals Week
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A Boring Saturday
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
Mom and I left at 8, which was a lot later than we usually leave. First we went to Kohls, T.J. Max, then Wal-Mart. Kohls was so busy that they had two lines on each side of the store that stretched back to end of the store. I was going to get a clock for my father there but I decided standing in line for an hour to get one item was silly. So I went over to T.J. Max but I could not find anything that he would like. When I went to Wal-Mart I was able to find a clock similar to the one I was going to get him. I was also able to pick up PJ's for my sister-in-law and after shave for my brother. Ater we finished in that area, we stopped at Starbucks and got coffee and took a little break. Then we ventured out to the mall. That I picked up some bath things for various people then I went to Victoria's Secret and treated myself to their new Mircle Bra {very comfy}. I also found an outfit to wear to the Christmas Party and another not so dressy outfit.
I'm finding YouTube very annoying right now. I have had several favorites of mine taken off due to copyright issues. The really annoying thing was that some of them even stated that they did not make the videoa and gave all the required info.
I'm going to take a little break then I need to get to my stats :(
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Kitten and Turkey Day
{Kitten waddles into blog after having a little to much to eat :) } Happy Thanksgiving! It's been so nice not to have to go to classes. I have been getting a lot of homework finished, however I still have a long way to go, though.
I'm so excited. Black Friday is tomorrow and you know what that means!? Yes, time to go shopping. I can't really say I get into the Thanksgiving holiday all that much. Oh, we do the regular family get together and have dinner and all that but that isn't the part I like best about this holiday. It's the day after Thanksgiving that gets me excited. I normally hate crowds but I make an exception on Black Friday.
We put up the tree over in one of my father's clinics today but it kind of fell over{oops} Yes the poor old tree just started wobble, then "timber," it almost squashes my kitty Lucky, who decided to come over with us. Mom had to run out to Wal-Marts and buy a new tree. Then we finally got it up.
I'm rather stuck in parts Accounting and Statistics right now. I hate when that happens. Oh, well, I guess I'll be sending out emails tomorrow. Better get to bed. Have to be up 4:00 if we to get the good sales
Monday, November 23, 2009
Kitty's Busy Monday
Kitten is sooo happy. Just Systems Analysis and Design and that silly group project and then I am finished for the day. It actually went faster than I thought it was going to go. My stats test actually went well. I think {Kitten flips worried through stats book to see her answers looked like the examples}
It's such a pretty day out there :) The sun is shining and it's around 55 F, just the right temperature to take a nice little stroll but alas, SA&D, is keeping me from it. I could go now (my class isn't until 6) but my Lil Sis has things she needs to do and I don't want to walk alone. Oh, well, hopefully it will be nice over the Break.
Speaking of homework, I'm not doing any tonight. I'll be working four the next six days, I think I deserve even to myself. I have one novel I would like to read but I'm not sure it would do me to start it seeing as I won't be able to finish it tonight.
Black Friday is getting closer!! Can't wait :)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Kitten is patiently waiting for these next two days to get over with {it's torture :( } Thanksgiving Break is coming up and I just have to get through Monday and Tuesday. Tomorrow is going to be my worst day. I have French from 10-11, then Management from 11-12, lunch at Jazzman's, then Stats( the horrible quiz over normal distribtion is tomorrow) from 1-2, then I have four hours to do my Systems Analysis and Design homework, then I have the class from 6:00-8:30, after that I have a Management meeting at 9. I'm assuming that the meeting is going to be atleast an hour if not two. By the time I get back, it will be all most time to go to bed. Tuesday won't be near thar bad, thankfully. I have Accounting from 9-10:20 then Philosophy from 10:40-12, after that I'm finished and can go home! :)
My lil sis is doing a very interesting project. For her ID class, she and her team are doing a project on pornography vs nudity/erotica. I do see the difference between the two but it could be so subjunctive. There are many things that I view as erotic art but some one else might view as porn. I can't really say I have a particular reasoning for my judgement on whether something is or isn't porn, it more of a gut reaction. It I feel it is arousing but not necessarily crude, then I say it's erotic art. If I find it crude then I say porn, but since people feels and view are different it would be so hard to classify something as porn or erotic art with any definity.
My projects are not near as exciting. In Management we are doing a project comparing Nike and Adidas. In accounting each person has a history of accounting paper and I doing Enron, which I find the most interest of all my current ones. In Stats we're doing hypothesis testing and so I picked the price of accounting test books to conduct my study. In French, I have to do a presentation of politics in France.
My Lil Sis and I had fun when we went out Friday. I was able to do about 75% of my Christimas shopping finished. We went to 8 China and had chinese which is something that we haven't done in months because we have been so busy. I miss going out shopping{I HATE HOMEWORK}. It's such a good stress reliever.
Everyone keeps asking about internships. My advisor has brought it up, several teachers, now my father. I'm planning on doing one but right now I'm so busy I don't know when I'm going to get the time to look for one. That's kind of an excuse but... I know I should. Maybe I'll start my search over spring break.
Well I'd better get back to the studying.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Quickie
Kitten is so excited. Lil Sis and I are going out shopping! It's been months since we have been out. I've been out shopping but not with my Lil Sis/roommate/best friend.
Lil Sis has to get some dress clothes and I need to start my Christmas shopping. Can't write too much tonight of homework. I'll try to write later next week
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
When I was a little Kitten I used to think that life could be cruel at times. I was worng. Life doesn't care, it's completely unbiased, it just doesn't give a damn.
Now, what's a little Kitten like me doing writing such depressing things? Well no particular reason, really but it was something that my little sis and I had been discussing a while back.
No, the only thing that is being cruel in my life is homework, alas. Yes, that troublesome little thing called homework will not let this little Kitten do much of anything right now. The quarter is about over, thankfully, and the that horrible thing ( yes, the H word will dissapear for 1 whole month :) !!!!!)
I haven't written in almost a month but, alas, it has been unavoidable. When I'm not doing homework, I'm working or reading, or daydreaming, or off in my own little world...;)
I can't believe that this semester is almost over. It doesn't seem possible. While this has been one of the most demanding semesters I've had { which isn't saying much seeing as this is only the 3 rd term I've had in college} next semester going to be a kitty's worst nightmare. I have:
1) Intermediate French, 2) Intermediate Accounting, 3) Accounting Problem Solving and Computers, 4) Securities, 5) Theology, and 6) Business Law.
It's a good thing that this little Kitten doesn't take cat naps or otherwise I would be one unhappy kitty.
Christmas shopping is coming up!!!! I can't wait and since I haven't been able to shop all that much because of time issues ( yes homework again. I know I sound like a broken record), I'm really excited. However, unlike last year, I have no idea what I'm getting several people (Mom and Dad mainly)
Not too much is going on with me of late. Just the same old same old. Need some excitment {cries} so bored. My daily routine goes something like this: get up and get breakfast, remark on how awful the weather is, get dressed and trudge off to class, meet for lunch at Jazzman's, finish classes, come back to the dorm and take a break, do homework, go to dinner, come back and do homework, then, finally go to bed. Sounds so thrilling right {laughs sarcastically}.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My Resolution
Sorry about not posting my regular kitty pics in a while but I have been jumping from laptop to laptop but my new one is in, so next post will feature a kitty :)
Kitten has been slacking of late and feeling...well, a little depressed and sad but not sure quite why. Maybe it's the weather or maybe it's the huge homework load or maybe its just some changes that have been going on, it's hard to say but you know what? I have had enough, I'm going to be happy and I'm going to be more dedicated in my work starting now. After all, what do I really have to be unhappy about? I have everything I could want. I feel like I'm being such a baby. "Poor me, I'm so unhappy." You know what I would say if some actually said that to me? I'd tell them to grow up and get over themselves. That they are being childess and selfish. There's no reason for me to feel this way, and it's going to stop right now. Also, have been slacking and procrastenating of late and it just will not do. I want my homework to be well done and completed on time. Absolutely, no more, Kitten says in a very dramatic growl :)
Everything is going well. Didn't have that great of time at work, though. Some people are soooo rude. There is no reason for it. Anyone can have a civil manner, even if you are sick. The arogance of some people is so flustrating. It just makes you want to scream. I can honestly say that I miss working with Alice and I don't like working as a recepionist. My Principles of Management professor read us an article about the ten most stressful jobs in the US. I think recepionist was fourth.
Little Kitten and I finally got our room all decorated{Kitten says a with a little sacrastic smile since it is half way through the first term and we just now decorated}! It looks so nice. Little Kitten's side has several anime pics up, a motivational poster, some decorative chinese fans, and a few cute and quirky little sign that we bought during the Little Italy Festival. My side, is much more personal then it was last year. I mainly had anime pics up but this year I got creative. I decorated my cork board with things from my collge and my highschool. I also put up several pictures of kittens, two rosaries, some chinese fans, and some papers from graduation. The most creative thing that I did was to take my little New Yorker calendar things and put them on paper. The white part of the paper I colored is so it looked a little pretty and less stuck on. I think the room looks rather nice considering we hadn't planned on it that day and we had little to work with.
I miss James, I had a chance to go to Germany with him over fall break but, alas, schools work intervened and kept us apart. I talked to him Friday and he had a rather interesting propostion...;) Now, no minds in the gutter but however I don't think I'm going to talk about it right now. It sounded exciting though, and my life has been liking excitment of late.
I'm not sure what to do about French. I want to learn the language but it's so hard and I'm feeling very stressed with it right now. My question is, do I do the second part of French or not? I'm running out of time since registration starts next week.
Well, I'll try to post again Tuesday or Wednesday.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Kitten and the Weather
I want so badly to go with Cowgirl to the Covered Bridge Festival but I just do not have time. I hate to sound complaining but I don't have time to do anything except homework{sighs, sadly}. What happened to free time? Was it just some sort of cruel dream that I had?
Big Sis/Lil Sis Week is coming up which makes me excited however. I get to dress Lil Kitten in costumes and give her presents. You know, I sometimes think that shopping for other is twice as much fun as shopping for yourself. I had fun Friday and Sunday picking out things that I though Lil Kitten might like. It's almost like going on a scavenger hunt; trying to collect all the items.
Well, I need to look over my Stats before class starts. Last!{Kitten jumps up and down excitedly} Then it's over to Jazzman's to get some coffee{I really hope that they have the French Roast today}, and then homework till 6. From 6-8:30, I Systems Analysis and Design, the homework from 9-11, then night-night.
Oh, before I go I want lament over my technological problems that have befallen of late. I believe I have all ready spoken about my new laptop having problems. Well I did get it back only send it right back up to my techicien because it would access the internet. I had to bring my desk top up to the dorm along with my father's laptop(which didn't have Office 2007 so I had to install it}. The desktop had a virus early in the summer and the virus deleted my Office so I had restall it. Now my current problem is that the blasted mouse quit working! Well, then again what was I expecting from a mouse anyway, other than problems;)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
My Boring Routine
Big Sis/ Lil Sis week is coming up soon also. Two weeks, until I get to torture my Lil Sis ;) She's worried... poor lil kitten. I'm still finishing up getting things, though, and will probably continue through out the next week.
It's getting so cold here and kitten does not like it one bit. I hate the fact that I cannot go out side and take a walk. It's not fair:( I miss summer.
Well, I plan to write more once I get caught up {Kitten laughs sarcastically, right}.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
You know what I find so irratting here of late. I get to listen about everyone's problems but know wants to here mine. I just want to get out of here for a while. I'm going insane. Same routine day in, day out.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Quick Entry
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Kitten's Tired Weekend
Kitten must apologize yet again for not posting a kitty pic but, alas, I'm too tired and too lazy to bother with it right now. This has not been the best week for me. I made a lousy{ and I do mean lousy presentation in Philosophy}, was not chosen to be on the case study {even though I won't have time to do the damned thing any way}, and have been doing horrible in French {more so in the oral part}. The only good thing about this week has been that I got 100% in my Statstics.
I want to read a novel so bad it is driving me to distraction! I'm so sick of reading about the different way to implement a decision making plan, the FASB codification, inductive and deductive arguments, and standard deviation I could scream.
The stress is getting to me much earlier than last year. The muscles in my shoulders are so intense, it actually hurts and I have a headache from 5 pm everyday :( This is not fun. The worst part is that I feel guilty when I'm not doing my homework but when I am I feel so tired. Isn't school so much fun {I say with a sarcastic purr}.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Summary of Kitten Hectic Life
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Kitten Second Week of School
Friday, August 28, 2009
A Very Busy Week
My laptop has a short in its wireless connection which means that I had to order a new one {sighs}. I have been out a laptop for over a week and that, of course means the internet. Hence, why I have not posted anything in a while. I will hopefully be receiving my new laptop today :)
Schools been going well. Moved in Sunday. It went really well considering three hundred and some girls were all moving in at the same time. I was one of the first ones there so I was all finished by 3:30. The rest of the week went well. First Mondaywas, as always, a pain but I got through it. I did find it rather annoying that they made me wait an hour to see financial aid when I do even use it and all the asked me was if I paid cash! Of course I pay cash, what else would I pay in? SO rediculous. Tuesday and Wednesday were my first days of classes. They went really well and I seem to like all my new teacher {the few new ones that I have (Philosophy and Statistics)}. Thursday was went well and today has gone pretty we'll except for the fact that my French class was cancelled and I didn't know about it because I hadn't checked my school email before I went to bed or this morning {sighs} Icould have stayed in my room until 11. That makes me feel so lazy thought. I like getting up and doing things in the morning.
This week is going to be saved for homework, well, what little I'll be able to do since I have to go to work tomorrow until 7:30-12, then at 4 I need to pick up Bri at school and she needs to pack things to take back up, plus we need to go to Wal Mart, Verizon, and AT&T. We're not going to get done until late {cries}. That'll leave me night time to study. Sunday I have to go to Mass, then TH, then back home to break until about 7, then head back up to SMWC. Then I get to study some more. It definetely feels like a school time again.
Lil Sis and I have been having a great time. We took a walk last night and went to the cemetery. It was so interesting seeing how many Sisters, there were. Lil Sis and I tried to find the oldest ones but we could only find ones going back to the mid-1800's. There had to have been some that were earlier than that but we couldn't find them. On the way back we did see an owl in the distance and I think Lil Sis saw a bat in the grave yard.
Somethings you can't see though and Lil Sis and I joking say that we have a ghost named Casper in our room. The other night my phone started ringing all the time and no one was on it;my rosary feel off my desk; plus we were having trouble with several other things. It wasn't scary but kind of funny in a way. We have named our ghost Casper and I'm starting to think that maybe Casper is a kitty ghost with a lot of curosity :)
I talked to James right before I left to move. I feel so... not sure what to say here. I miss him.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Just Random
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Confession of a Kitten Part III
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Kitten's Views on Relationships
This was not the post I had intended to right but after a talk with my Lil Sis I decided to change it. Relationships are hard work and to keep them going you need two things: trust and honest communication. It doesn't matter whether you have relationship with some one you live or someone over the internet. It also applies to both monogomous and open relationships. Without these two things the relationship will probably fall apart.
Trust, you would think, would be a given, but most people have problems with this in many different ways. Some have trouble trusting there partners with other people or visa-verse, their partners have trouble trusting them with other people. These people become jealous and start distrusting there partner {although, sometimes for good reason}. Others, like me, have problems trusting them with feelings, emotions, ect, and therefore do not open up. We "run" whenver we think that we might get hurt emotionally. We need to work through these problems though becaue living in a constant of doubting or "running" takes a toll on the relationship. No one wants to be bogged down in fear, doubt, and worrying.
I was in exclusive, near distance relationship for a year and one long distance-ish, open relationship for a year and half. I made the same trust issue trwice. I would not open up with my true feelings. I am not a jealous person by nature and I had no problems being in an open relationship where we both saw other people. I do however have trust hang ups when it comes to telling people my real feelings. I'm afraid that if I love someone { this only pretains to people I date not friends and family} that they'll hurt me. I think that had I been more with my feelings and truted them, my relationships might have ended better.
So how do you have trust? You have to have honest communication. This goes for whether you're in a monogomous or open relationship and expecially goes if you're in a long distance relationship. Communicating honestly means that you talk about everything that goes, keep you're partner informed, and tell them about how you're feeling. This does not just include how you feel about one another but how you feel about anything that affects you because if you feel strongly enought to let it bother then it will probably affect your relationhip sooner or later.
Honest communication is probably most crucial though when it comes to trust. If you have decided to be in a monogomous relationship but are going out with some one of the opposite sex, that you think your partner might be bother with, tell them. While you shoulde be able to see anyone you want, you need to let your partner know so that there is no hard feelings or suspcions. This also goes if you're feeling insecure. Tell the person that you're feeling insecure and ask what are the "rules, guidelines,whatever you wish to call it" of the relationship. If you're in an open relationship, the parties also need to tell one another what is going on. Don't hide the fact that you're seeing some one. Don't hide the fact that you're attracted to someone else. It is an open relationship so you shouldn't feel guilty about it. But if you don't tell you're partner you are seeing some one else and the they find out, then trust issues will start to be a problem. All in all both parties need to be communicate honestly or other wise one or both are going to be upset and the relationship most likely will not make it.
Probably the third important thing that you need in a relationship is forgiveness. Everyone is human and will make mistakes. Some will be little like forgetting to call one evening others will be big like cheating. Forgiveness sometimes easy to do and sometimes hard but it needs to be done. You shouldn't hold grudges. If you can't forgive them get out of the relationship. It won't do any one any good to go over and over an indescrition or mistake.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Kitten's Frisky Mood
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A Non Dramatic Post
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Family Problems
Friday, July 10, 2009
Kitten Work and Love
Friday, July 3, 2009
Kitten's Ramblings
This summer is going by so quickly, I'll be in summer classes starting July 13 through August 13. I shan't be posting too much because I'll have two classes.
This summer and last summer are so different. Last summer I was doing a lot of things I shouldn't have been doing and just living in the moment. I wasn't that emontional. This summer, though, has been the complete opposite. I haven't done all that much except study. I've been very very very emotional. I kind feel like I'm revisiting my mid teens. I hate this feeling. Hopefully when school starts and Lil Sis and I move into the dorm, life will take on some semblence of normalacy. Maybe? Right now my love life is in very strange life, my social life is pretty much just with Lil Sis, and my work life takes the majority of my time. {sighs}
Tomorrow's the 4th. I have thought about calling Cowgirl and seeing if she wants to go and see a movie but I just can't seem to get the least bit excited about it. I think I just want to stay home and read my new book.
I hope Lil Kitten-chan and I can go shopping next week. It will be our last chance for a month. She has work, I have classes. Can some one shoot this Kitten now and put her out of her meisery.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Kitten's Horrible Messed Up Day :(
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Kittens Updates
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My Goodbye
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My Infuriating Day
Sunday, June 14, 2009
My Mysterious Friday Night
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Welcom Kitten's Little Sister!
{Kitten is jumping all about blog in excitment} Bri-chan posted her first post:) Yeahhhh! I'm happy that my best friend is on blogger but that is the only thing that has gone right today.
My New Cell
I had to get a new cell phone today. My Verizon Venus just would not work with me. {Kitten sighs and curses that she is technicologically challenged} Well, I ended up with an IPhone, which wasn't what I wanted and I didn't think I'd like it but, surprising, I think I will. I can do so much more with this thing than I could my other one. It took me an hour or so to get the hang of it but it was faster than getting it. Because of various problems, I was in the store for almost two hours{cries :( }
It's Kittens Time
I started today:( I was not happy and I felt not so good for the rest of the afternoon. Why are periods so inconvient? It comes with so many problems: bloating, fatigue, aching, cramps, ect.
It's not so fun.
The Purse Disappointment
{Kitten falls back on velvet cushion with disgust after her morning shopping trip with mother} I just do not like the purse styles they have out. I went to Macy's, ElderBeerman, JCPenny's, and Kohls and could not find anything. It's so flustrating to go out shopping and not find what your looking for. I did, however find two very pretty necklaces at Macy's that I got, which easied the pain some.
Book, Books, Books
Over the past few days I have not been able to concentrate on anything. My mind is like a bouncy ball; it jumps from one idea to the next in seconds. I have been able to focus on a book. Actually I read Sin of a Wicked Duke by Sophie Jordon Saturday. The plot wasn't overly complex and the characters are not developed as fully as they could be but it was still an excellent read. The story was interesting and it had some really amusing parts. Plus, the more intimate scenes were deliciously steamy;) Really, I don't think could have stayed focuses on anything too complex. I'm also reading another interesting book called Pardon My French by Charles Timoney. It's not a novel. It tells the readers about important words that the readers might want to know if they wish to learn the language fluently and talk like everyone else. Very amusing, informative, and helpful.